Tuesday, May 7, 2019

A day at the ball field!

Lily and I headed to the ball field after dance class tonight because we have a lot of little friends that we have been wanting to watch their ballgames and them in action!

So, tonight was tonight! It was a great night to be at the field!

We for sure saw a TON of friends and for SURE caught up with a bunch too! :)

Lily has been dying to watch Thompson and he was SO excited to see her! Sweet friends!
Then...we realized not only Thompson's team but the other team was FULL of friends! So, we watched them all! :)
And...we couldnt leave without watching the little girl that is bent down because playing in the dirt is more fun than playing t-ball!
But...Lily could have just ran around and played with Kelby the entire time instead of watching anyone on the field!
Love that both Alexis and Lily have so many sweet friends!

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