Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Lily's golden day!

Today was Lily's awards day and OH boy did she shine!

She got a ton of awards and did several cute songs during it!

On top of it all, she is super pumped to be called a 2nd grader now! ha!

A quick snap of her last Monday of 1st grade!
A quick snap of her last Tuesday of 1st grade!!
And, today! LOOK at this face! This is 100% her 'I do NOT want to take a picture but you are telling me to smile so okay!' face! :)
And LOOK at allll those awards! Perfect conduct! Golden Eagle award {she was SO excited to get to wear her 'gold' shirt to symbolize her getting the Golden Eagle award for  how many books she read this year!
I remember, Alexis got the same Golden Eagle award in 1st grade and was sooo proud and excited like Lily! :)
And she got Eagle of the Month award too! So proud of her!
Then...she finally smiled a happy smile to me! :) time!
They allll were sooo adorable!
Being recognized!
Then...the best part of the night was the POOL party at Hope's house! Notice...Lily could NOT take her eyes off the pool to snap a picture! ha! :)
Here is a better picture! ha! They had to turn away from the pool! :)
All the girls! Alexis was bummed she didnt go. She had a tooth pulled to gear up for phase 2 of braces and she just didnt feel up to swimming! Lily had a blast though!

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