Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Lex's day and she's my twin!

Today was Alexis' Awards day!

She has done SO awesome this year and I am soooo proud of her! She was frustrated that she didnt get the all A's award as her only B for the whole year was an 88!

Even with that, A &B with Honors award, Best handwriting award goes to Alexis! Great job!

She also had the lead speaking part to at the program today!

Dressed and ready for her day!
She speaks so well in front of large crowds! Not nervous at all!
Got a smile out of her!
Alexis has a huge class!
The middle section!
And then the other end of her class! Sweet kiddos!
Getting her awards!
My girl!
Sweet friends!
And...kind of creepy for sure...but LOOK! OH my goodness, this Snapchat....I turned into a little Alexis! When it changed my face...I just could NOT get over how much I saw Alexis! WOW! :)
Lily's day is tomorrow! Cant wait to see her shine!

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