Monday, May 27, 2019

A looonng and much needed weekend away!

We had the best weekend!

Going on trips with friends!.....LOVE!

We headed to our most favorite place...and took some fun people with us!

These two played and played and played....and played some more!
My view! Can NOT beat it!
She thinks she is way tooo grown...for her own good! :)
These two having fun!
They all cleaned up well!
Love this picture!
Dinner at Acre! So yummy!...and we took alllll these faces to a fancy restaurant and we survived!! ha! They were so good and we all enjoyed it! We had a blast bowling with everyone! cap the night off, dessert!
Day 2! Up and ready to hit the pool!
They did everything under the sun! {Literally!} :) :)
4 peas in a pod!
Girl talk time while relaxing! was hula hooping time! Both Alexis and Lily won! They got a Chic-fila gift card and were super pumped!
Then Lily asked me to take a picture of her doing her handstand!
Once pool day 2 was complete, we cleaned up and headed to Niffers to eat and then Surge to jump! The Messers headed home and the Rays stayed at the resort so we did our 'rounds' before heading back to enjoy the night by the pool!
A beautiful afternoon! Trying to get them allll to look and smile at the same time! Not happening! :)
Having fun!
The love for balloons! :)
And...then day 3! Ready to GO!
We swam for awhile since we had a late check-out then headed to a late lunch before heading home!
They used their gift cards they won before we left and after we at lunch at Newks! SUCH a fun weekend!

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