Sunday, May 19, 2019


We love when we can finally make it to float the creek!

Today was that day! It was a beautiful day and we had a great family day!

Love this view! Every.single.time. It makes me happy knowing we are about to have a great family day!
THIS was the 1st time...that Alexis and Lily, both, had their own kayak! Normally Lily floats with Tyler, but not today!
This chick was ready in her kayak!
And, this one in hers....even though she did NOT want this one! She wanted Alexis' because it is smaller.
She didnt want to be tied to Daddy.....either....
she wanted to do it all by herself. We tried to tell her 'baby steps' that once she is stronger and bigger, she can float completely by herself, that what she was doing is good 'learning.' Well, let's just took her some time to stop pouting and then to start enjoying it!
Then, Alexis decided she couldnt paddle and maneuver by herself and wanted to be tied to Daddy too. Well, Lily STILL wanted to be on her own...even after seeing this from Alexis!
So...they both floated behind Daddy. One was happy....and one was not happy! :)
Then, meeting of the minds! We let them both go! Its' time for Alexis to learn how to do it...and Lily wanted to try, so we let her too!
Unlatching them both!
Well...Lily lasted 5 minutes and then realized...yes...she does need some guidance, so she hooked on to mine! She was happy the rest of the time!
Floatin.....just a floatin!
We came home....and guess what...we got a new pool! Yeah...not a 'real' one...but hey, it works. These two, though, whined about it being toooo cold so they didnt last too long. Lily with her goggles cracked me up!
Then, a new way to get a tan. Well, okay! We finished up the day with a nice warm shower...and relaxing.....and doing laundry! Ahhh....worn out is the word for the rest of the day! But, we had such a great family day that it was worth it!

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