Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Wordless Wednesday!

Today I have two 'Wordless Wednesday' pictures that I just love!

The 1st one is from SWEET Collins! She is only 3 and I just adore her!....and her family!

And, her Mom sent me this picture where she wrote my name on the sidewalk in chalk and wanted me to see it!

Who cares that there is no 'b!' To me, the 'b' in my name is silent anyways! ha! :)

This picture made my day!

And the other one! most favorite animal on this planet! {I love Aubie!...but I just love Tickles!} :)

She climbs up on our water fountain and just sips the water! Then she'll lay by it. Then she'll sip some more. Then she'll decide to walk around to the other side of it and lay down! Then she'll put her paw in it...and so on!

It is the funniest thing to me because cats usually hate water! She must think she is a bird in the mornings as that is the only time I really see her doing it! :)

She was walking around to the other side when I snapped the picture after she had decided laying down on the side she was on was done! ha!

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