Sunday, June 30, 2019

Weekend recap with our Youth girl!

We had a pretty low-key weekend!

It was a beautiful weekend, except for Saturday afternoon so we loaded up and had a spur of the moment idea to head to the REC Center and we enjoyed rock climbing and the pool!

The girls loooove this every time we go!

We came home and spent the rest of the afternoon curled up and watching movies.

Today, we had Church, lunch and then sweet Jackson's 6th birthday pool party! Of course, the girls were SUPER excited to spend the afternoon at the pool with their friends!

Alexis has become a pro at rock climbing. She loves it and is so good at it!
Lily is like a little monkey going up! I love watching her!
These two both did the wall where you are not hooked in and made it to the top. They were SO proud of themselves!
Daddy even gave it a try! He is getting good at it too! two had their 1st day in YOUTH! Yes, she is just growing up! She said she LOVED it when we were leaving! Love that they have each other as they transition! They are going to love it!
A perfection of an afternoon at the pool! My two are out there somewhere! ha!
OHHHHHH....I LOVE these two! They were sitting over there just in deep conversation as they were eating together so I just HAD to take a picture! OH, I just love this little cutie pie boy little!
Lily enjoyed swimming with Bennett and Thompson while Lex enjoyed swimming with Addie, and SP. They had the best time! I didnt get any pictures of them swimming as I couldnt keep up with them. I didnt get a picture of them with the birthday boy either....but I got them as they were still {for like 5 minutes} while they woofed their food down to get back to swimming! :)

Saturday, June 29, 2019

The Drive in!

I cant believe we havent gotten the girls to a drive in until now...

as it has been years since Tyler and I have been.

In fact, we informed the girls that {probably, from what we can remember} the last time we both went to the drive in was a date Tyler took me on!

Both girls said gross! {Still not understanding why it was 'gross' that he told them that he took me on a date to one!}

So, we loaded up and headed to Centre and ate at Tony's Steakhouse first and it was our 1st time there too! It was SO good and I loved the atmosphere. We will be back for sure!

Then, we hit the drive in!

The girls just could not get over how big the screen was! They were amazed!

We had the best time with Mobbs and her family!

It was a great night and of course, seeing any Toy Story movie is a win! We all loved it!

Before we had our 1st drive in night, the girls enjoyed having a 'fun' day with Nan! They had lunch and did some shopping before heading back home. Lily wrote Nan a note asking her if she 'would think about it' to let them spend the day with her! So, they had a great day with a bonus of lunch with Pawpaw and Brandi!

My girls love hanging out with Allie! We all enjoyed meeting the 3 'little' girls. They have a unique story and they are just SO precious! Loved getting to know them and they stole my heart!
The 3 amigos!
My girls were PUMPED that we hit up Dollar Tree and they grabbed all kinds of fun treats for the movie! I think that was one of the biggest highlights for them that they could pick out and bring it all. And, for the record, Dollar Tree {big bag} popcorn was delicious!
Movie time! Such a cute movie! Loved looking up and seeing all the stars! It was a beautiful night! Perfection!
We got home at 10:00pm, however, Lily was out like a light before we even got out on the main road! She made it through the movie, but thats it! :)

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Wordless Wednesday!

So....back to the grind!

The struggle is SO real! Especially today being the middle of the week!

So, wordless Wednesday...

me trying to make it through this week! :)

My view! Ugh! :) I keep saying....last week {at ____ time, I was ____ at the beach} oohhh...... :)

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Cant get enough!

So, we were at the beach/pool for 7 straight days.

You would think we would be so tired of water, etc that we wouldnt want to be around a pool for awhile!

Well, NOPE!

This afternoon we met the Messer's and enjoyed the Anniston Country Club's pool. It was such a beautiful day that we couldnt pass up the invite!

The girls getting to catch up with their friends and Emily and I having girl chat time too, well, it was a win-win! :)

The 3 amigos! They were in the process of making a 'bologna' sandwich with themselves so I had to snap a picture of that! ha! Lex was there too.........she was just diving for rings at the time! :)

Saturday, June 22, 2019

And the times flies still!

I had to post another oldie but goldie!

WOW....time flies for sure! This round, Lily is 3! :)

OHHH!! Look at squishy baby Lily! Ahh!! Circa 2014!

And..circa 2019! They are just growing up WAY tooooo fast!

When did this happen!?!?!

My goodness...time has just flown!

I promise, she was just 3 yesterday! Those squishy cheeks....that belly! OH, time flies!
And..circa 2019! Almost 11! WOW!

Our professional beach photos!

Of course, we can NOT go to the beach and not take beach pictures! {No matter how hard Tyler and the girls try to get out of it!} bahaha! :)

Two sweeties. Lily's face...of....I dont want to take pictures! Ugh! :)
Us 3!
My girls!
The Law family!
Little Miss Sassy pants!
My favorite!
My next favorite!
Tyler was killing me! Of course...all 3 of them like to give me a hard time while trying to take pictures!...well, during this one, Tyler kept saying...Daddy shrunk! Daddy is shrinking! bahaha!
These two goofing off!
Daddy and his girls!
I see trouble in there! They were up to something! :)
My almost 11 year old!
My almost 8 year old! WOW!
My favorite of us girls! I hate that it is sandy/blurry though!

The last days of our beach days!

Since I didnt take many pictures this trip, Im closing out our beach days with the pics I have left!

Day 6
Jenga tournament! Lily and Peyton won! This sweet boy, Cash, he just couldnt understand how to play it! Poor thing!
There was a TON of Gold Fish and Old Maid that was played this week! We had tournaments of cards! ha!
Then, that night...we did some more shopping and then the girls did one of their favorites!...jumping! Lily went SO high!
Lex finally grasped how to flip over! She flipped and flipped and flipped more!
Quick and blurry family picture!
Our last day! Not a single picture of during the day! We soaked up the last day of all things water before heading to dinner and then GO CARTS! Whoop whoop!
Lex rode ALL by herself for the first time driving! She has driven before but in a double cart with her Daddy! THIS time....all by herself! She did great too! She made me stay behind her. I could not pass her or go beside her. If I tried, she would start yelling at me to get back. ha! She actually even passed another cart too! She was so proud!
Lily and Daddy...the speed racers!
Then, we did the Swinging Dragon! This was the face of a girl who was not so sure she wanted to do it...but ended up loving...LOVING it! :)
The other side!
Then, Lily wanted to drive all by herself too! Lily speedy!
We were laughing soooooo hard! The cart was only going like 10 miles per hour! bahaha!
Despite the slowness, she loved every second of it!
And...we cant leave without Skee ball!! Since it was our last night, we rolled the windows down...and cruised the 'strip' {down front beach road} with the ocean by our side! The girls had 'their' music blasting! It was a perfect way to end a great week!
Gran and Ben left earlier in the day so it was just our little family of four on the last night and we made the best of it!
We were sad to have to back up and leave this morning! BOO! Until next year!

Day with Ella!

Lily just could NOT wait for the day to come...that Ella got to come and swim and play with her!

So, Tuesday it was! We went and picked Ella up at the baseball field and she spent the entire day with us!

Lily was in Heaven!

Two peas in a pod! They were so excited to be with each other! It was adorable!
Enjoying the sea!
And, playing in the sand! As I was listening to them, I heard them start making 'YouTube' videos {pretend} of how to dig a hole, etc in the sand! It was really funny! Then they all put sand on their legs and used the shovels as 'razors' to shave it all off! haha!
We enjoyed the pool too! Zoe. The girl in the middle. She was with us alllll week too! Let me tell you, this one....well, she was something! She was a cutie pie....and had her moments of being sweet. But she was also a very overprotective person. Long stories short {and we have a good bit from our time spent around her} but her Mom....was with her....with the new boyfriend. The Mom {and Im using that word loosely} cared more about being with and around the boyfriend. So, I was her 'beach Mom' all week!
Then, out of nowhere, it started raining pretty hard! So...what did our crew do?!?! Well...of course...just get out of the pool and jump into the hot tub! haha! Can you see the rain falling in the picture!!?!?
Then....just like that, the sun was back out...and so was the fun!
Alexis and Tyler became pro cheerleaders this week!
We got cleaned up and headed to J Michaels for dinner! They were having no fun at all! :)
And...of course some fun shopping! They got eaten by a shark! AHH!!
THIS! My future flashed right in front of me in this picture! ha! :) :)