Sunday, July 26, 2020

A lazy weekend!

Just what the doctor ordered!

We have been gone and just going and going that this weekend....was super low key!

In fact, God said...I am going to make it storm so yall cant do anything! :)

Saturday we had a morning bike ride on the trail! I say it every time but I love how we can ride from our house to the trail! It was a beautiful morning!

Then, Lily and I made a trip for her much anticipated school supplies! We shall see how long she actually goes to 'in person' school beginning August 18th {they have already pushed the start date back a curious to see if it will change again} but nonetheless, school supplies are still needed!

Then....once we were stormed/rained pretty much the rest of the afternoon!

An afternoon nap was just perfection too!

Always love my view!
Checking out the view and all the turtles!
Then today....we kept it low key as well! I tested out my new clubs for the 1st time on the driving range! was hot....but I got a couple of good shots in!
We spent the rest of the afternoon relaxing at home. Tyler went and played more golf with it was just a girl's afternoon!
And....these two. NO words! They are two peas in a pod! :)

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