Thursday, July 23, 2020

Number 6!

Someone lost another tooth last night!

Number 6!

I have to say...I am getting a little nervous...


number 7 was when it all went downhill and everything was ruined for Alexis because of the Tooth Fairy's bum knee! :)

Lily has two other teeth that really could be pulled any second....

so the waiting game continues!

Maybe the Tooth Fairy can make it to at least past tooth 7 for Lily this time!


She was SO excited that the Tooth Fairy came and brought her $5 WHOLE bucks this morning when she came running in my bedroom! :)

She told me that the next tooth she looses, she is going to ask our Tooth Fairy what her name is! to the fact that she has two that could literally fall out any second {she says she is just not ready to have them pulled yet!} I need to start thinking of a name! ha!

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