Thursday, July 30, 2020

Never would have thought...Disney in a pandemic!


Never would have thought there would be a pandemic. Never in the history of Disney have they closed.

Not even during hurricanes. Disney just delays days and people just know....they are open rain or shine so you come prepared with ponchos and you push on!

So when Disney closed. The world was shocked!

So, they were closed for a couple of months...

and literally opened 3 days before we were there!

Yeah....I feel we are apart of history!

It was sooooo AMAZING that we were there when we were!

NO lines!

NO crowds!

We rode every single ride we could think of, want to and just because...three and even four times....just because we could!

It was sooooooo nice!

It blows my mind at how long the lines are for the rides! What I mean is....from the entrance of each ride to the actual ride.....was what seemed like miles and miles! We had to walk from the entrance.....all the way to the actual ride {with no people} to ride it. But to imagine that in 'normal times' that people would have been actually standing in that whole loooonngggg way up to the literally mind blowing!

I honestly dont think I can ever go back to Disney just because we were spoiled rotten with not having to stand in those long lines to ride a ride that lasted 5 minutes or less!

We had to make sure that we had a reservation for each day to each park that we attended. Disney only allowed a small amount of people in each day. We were checked at each entrance for a temperature. We had to wear our mask the entire time even when we were walking from one ride to the other. There were Disney employees around watching and if anyone even remotely had their mask moved and not in the correct spot...they were told to pull it up or fix it. Before and after each ride, we were offered hand sanitizer. Each line was spaced out more than 6 feet. We had exact places we had to stand as we waited to get on each ride. If a ride {for example} had 3 rows with it....they only allowed people in the 1st row and then the last row. {leaving the middle row empty}. Disney also cleaned the seats and handrails after the rides too. You would think that it was miserable waiting on them to clean or that the lines would be super long because each ride was not 'full' but they had their system so nailed down perfectly that the beat was ever skipped!

I was just so impressed!

I felt really safe!

I felt like I can not live in fear and very thankful that we went and got to make the memories that we did!

We stayed away from others. Kept our distance and just enjoyed our time like everyone else there!

We thought wearing our masks was going to be miserable but quickly realized that wearing it was just fine once we realized the lighter {not as thick} masks were more breathable and comfortable! The girls never complained about wearing it the whole time {which I thought would be something that would send me over the edge, with them complaining} but they were good! We took them off while we were by ourselves and eating. We lowered them while we rode roller coasters, or rides that we were not around anyone so that was good to have our 'breaks!'

I just can not say enough about going!

For those who...'just cant believe we went'....well....the only words I have for that is...

you can get it from going to the grocery store.....just the same...

so, I will just leave that right there!

We had a great time....could not believe how many times we got to ride our favorite rides....we felt like VIP as we felt like we owned Disney!..........we got to have some relaxation time as we were done with pretty much all the parks by half a day {unlike normal when just one park would take a whole day or more because of the crowds} so we got to enjoy the hotel pools and even got to enjoy Disney Springs since we were right beside it! We had the pleasure of being able to walk to Disney Springs because it was right there by us as we stayed at the Wyndham! It was super nice!

It was the best trip!

Disney Springs! So nice! I had never been here but heard great things! Super nice with tons of shops and places to eat! The landscaping and just the scenery was just beautiful!
Lego store!
Do you spy Lily?!?!
This girl was beyond excited to be in this store!
This girl racked up between some of her birthday gifts...and stuff she bought with her own money...she loaded up!
Such a cute area! All the decor...all of it was just perfection!
Epcot! Our 1st park!
Holding up the BIG ball! :)
Soarin! My favorite! When we went last time...Tyler and I literally waited 2 and 1/2 hours to ride this ride!
We rode it and turned right around and road it....three more times!
AMAZING I tell you!
This ride is soooo awesome! Just no words! It was like we were flying all over the world. Got to smell the smells and feel the air. SO cool! The girls have both said, since, that this was in their top 5 favorite ride of all we did!
Test Track. Last time....Tyler and I didnt even get to ride this like we wanted because the wait was so long. We rode this twice {though they wanted to ride it more. My stomach said NO!} :) This was the picture that was made of we went 649 MILES per HOUR! Yep!
We supposedly went 649 miles an hour in a car like this! So cool! I cant believe the girls both loved this ride with how fast we went! I have to say...they both rode rides I never would have thought they would have wanted to...and how they loved them!
Of course...have to have a picture with Alexis' all time favorite! We were going to eat dinner at Ratatouille....but it is a new restaurant so it wont open until the Fall. BOO!
A group picture! It rained on us for about 20 minutes so we got a little wet before deciding to pull out our ponchos. Then it stopped so we didnt really need them...but at this point...we looked kind of wet!
Us girls!
Of course...with our masks on!
Cant go to Disney without seeing Mickey and Minnie! Even if we couldnt 'touch' them!
We loved strolling through all the countries and taking in their culture! We loved seeing the Eiffel Tower as this fake one will probably be the only one we ever see!
We decided to stay in the park and eat in Mexico! We saw this really cool restaurant as we rode a we decided to come back to it to eat! It was like we were in the Aztec! Super cool! The food wasnt all that great..and super expensive...but it was more just because of the atmosphere!
Our dinner table!
We were down with Epcot in no time...even with riding alllll the rides we wanted...multiple the pool it was!
Next up!...Animal Kingdom!
Of course we had to wear our different animal prints at this park!
Seeing the rest of our face!
We went first thing to the Safari! It was the BEST time as the animals were alllll VERY active and up and ready for their day! It was outstanding how many animals we saw....and that were RIGHT beside our truck!
We saw a TON! This was a little nerve wracking right beside us! Lily said she loved seeing allll the giraffes! We saw a ton of them as well as lions and more!
These rhinos! .....We had to sit and park for about 10 minutes because 3 of them {2 females and 1 male} did not want to move away from us and we couldnt just run them over! This one...the male...just wanted to hang out with the 2 females even though they cared nothing for him to be around. They both stomped their feet and grunted at him. He would leave and then circle our truck and come right back! They would grunt at him....he would leave and come back again! It was soooo cool to be right there and watch them!
Our truck! :)
The Tree of Life! So HUGE!
THIS  ride! THIS ride was both girls favorite out of every ride! It was AMAZING! Avatar in Pandora!

NO words!
This was an Avatar! SO cool as we walked through the line to get to the ride!
Look how real it looks!
This is what we did! We had to sit on these and wear those glasses! It was just crazy how it felt we were riding on the back of a Navi! {A big beast from Pandora!} Amazing! No words! We rode this four times! If it were regular circumstances...we probably would not have even been able to ride this because the lines being so long and the wait hours long!
Pandora! Just breathtaking!
Dinosaur land!
We loved riding this ride too! We rode it several times!
Jungle cruise to see the characters!
We finished up Animal Kingdom {early...which blows my mind!} So pool time it was!
Then back to Disney Springs for more shopping and then reservations at T-Rex!
The atmosphere was awesome and the food was sooo good too!
We did some shopping too before heading back to crash!
Last minute gelato for the win!

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