Sunday, July 12, 2020

Well....a mix of a birthday bash!

Today...of all days...

would have been best to NOT have a birthday bash....

as everything under the sun {literally} that could go wrong....went...


what do you do when you have lemons!?!?!


you have a mix of a birthday and you make lemonade!

Never forget to make lemonade!

Make the best out of whatever situation you are in! Having a bad attitude and being angry or rude or whatever because something didnt go your way or 'plans' just no way to be. Make the best out of what comes your way and you never know, it can turn out to be better than what you had originally planned!


This morning started out like this....

Tyler went to play golf....
and on his way home...
I called him because I didnt think there should be alot of water coming out of this area and running down the drive-way!
Well, yeah......not supposed to be like that. Sooooo Tyler dug this lovely big hole...and the water pipe {that is metal and not supposed to have holes in it} has a huge hole in it with water just pouring out of it big time!
SO, yeah...that went downhill from there!
Not to mention, there was a 60% chance of rain and storms this afternoon...and the list goes on of reasons why we could have probably cancelled today being the birthday bash day. BUT...we forged ahead and carried on!
This crew always has a blast together!

Lily W..'big' Lily and Savannah were not able to come! Right after this picture....they all took off running through the rain! You would have thought they lost their minds! They were running and screaming and laughing and just having the best time before they had to run in because the thunder started coming!
Time for hot dogs and cupcakes!
Happy 12th birthday Alexis! You are loved!
Then....after presents...they did this! Yeah...this was about the time that I had to come up with something else for them to do! Then...they came up to me begging to go to The Factory since the boat ride and tubing was a bust!
They did alot of this! Taking pictues...doing silly videos and singing!
So...Tyler and I took them to jump at The Factory per alllll of them begging since we were close! They had a blast!
Then we headed home and they swam at Sydney's for a little bit before I took them all home since they never had a chance to 'get wet' per them....on the boat! ha!
To not have done what she actually wanted to do/planned for her birthday party with her friends...the mix we did have, I would say was perfection!
I promised them all that I would get them out on the water/the tube before school starts so stay tuned, we will head back to Gran and Ben's soon to let them do that!
But....the lemons turned into lemonade and I would well as Alexis...that she had a pretty great party with her friends even though it looked a little different than we had originally expected! :)

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