Thursday, July 16, 2020

A little of this and that!

We have been pretty low key here lately!

Just trying to make our Summer as 'normal' as we can with a pandemic that is still around....and getting worse, with more cases, by the day.

It is mind blowing!

Governor Kay Ivey issued a mandatory mask order yesterday meaning everywhere we go we have to wear a mask no matter what or where.

Yeah....masks stink... by the way. It is not fun wearing them but it is to hopefully knock this virus out so we have to do what we have to do.

I am very concerned with how school is going to go for the girls in the Fall.

Most counties are still keeping their same start date as some have pushed back the date due to the rising number of cases.

It is hard to navigate what to think about the whole pandemic as there is just SO much out there that conflicts and that tries to 'scare' us and EVERYONE is a doctor these days and knows more than the other. {insert eye roll here!} So, ya know. We are just living our life! Trying to continue to make lemonade out of lemons and pray that everyone is getting right with the Lord for you never know when He is coming and the more and more things are never know. It could be tomorrow.

There have been tens of thousands of people tested for the virus. I have not been actually tested but Tyler and I both will be required in August to test in order to continue working at JSU in the Fall. So it is coming. There are a lot of people who are sick from it. There has been a lot who have died but there also has been even more people recover. So, there is still good among the bad though the news....and how everyone is a doctor...wants to make it like you CAN NOT get it.

If you get it, it will be like a scarlet letter type deal. Now, I dont want to get it. Like who wants to be sick?!?!

No one ever.

But...everyone {who are actual doctors} say that 99% chance you have been exposed in some sort of way to it. {unless you live under a rock} may be immune to it...or may have had it and dont know it....may be asymptomatic and it not effect you at all. And then there is or you just might flat out die if you get it. So....ya is allll up in the air. I dont know anyone personally that has it or has had it but I do know friends who have family or friends that have it or have had it. Tyler had a co-worker that had it. I dont know many of his co-worker/friends but I know of the guy. He has been just fine. I do know a friend who had a cousin that died from it.

It is all just so crazy!

Despite a pandemic, electing new government leaders is underway. I wont say who I voted for but I will just say...War Eagle!
Most people think that once November comes and a new President is elected {and Trump is out}...that the pandemic will just suddenly be done with. Over. Idiots I tell ya! Just flat out idiots in the world!
So..our new normal. Wearing masks all.the.time. Now dont get me wrong, we have already been wearing our masks and the girls havent been anywhere {with me that is} to even need to wear a mask but the times they have gone out places, this is the new look! Doesnt she still look sooooo cute....even with half her face covered! ha! :)
On this day we headed to Birmingham to have her eye checked on! The red spot on her eye is bothering her and she wants it to be gone. So, we are on a mission to make that happen. We go back in 3 months and at that point we shall see about if the doctor thinks she can remove it! Stay tuned!

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