Monday, July 6, 2020

Alexis is 12!


How is she 12?

Just yesterday....literally...I remember bringing her home as a new baby. Being soooo worried about every little thing with making sure she was happy and good with me being a 'good' Mommy.


well, I still worry with making sure I am a 'good' Mom...but boy, it being 'hard' doesnt get any easier even though she is now 12! We are at a whole new level these days with everything this ole big and bad world throws our way. Guiding her and praying the beauty is on the inside more than the outside and that God is up front and center and is guiding her and she is following Him.


not easy. I pray every day that every year she has next holds love and happiness and strength and wisdom and honesty and kindness..............................and alllll those others that will continue to fill her world as she continues to grow!

Here is to 12!

Here is to being 12 years of a Mom. Boy....time sure does fly!

She woke up as a 12 year old! She kept asking...and kept asking when 7:20am was because she wanted to be 'doing something' at the time she was born...12 years ago! :)
Our 12 year old!
Opening our gifts!
She was not.impressed.
Sooo...I printed a picture of a phone and put it in her gift. She took it out and didnt like the joke of us pretending we gave her a phone {that she has been begggggiiiiiinnnggggg for years for!}
Joke on her, though, we gave her the real phone today! :)
Trying out her electric razor. Talk about pumped about shaving her legs allll the time with no soap or water! Ha!
Nan and Pawpaw got her a new bike! I LOVE the color!
She LOVES it!
Over the weekend.....Brittney got her a cookie cake to celebrate! I would say she had a great 12th birthday day!

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