Thursday, July 30, 2020

More memory making!

Next on the agenda...Magic Kingdom!

You know....

everyone loves Magic Kingdom...and I do!....


it just wasnt my favorite.

All of this order...loved 1. Hollywood Studios 2. Animal Kingdom 3. Epcot and then 4. Magic Kingdom!

I feel that they need to modernize Magic Kingdom. Maybe because we had SO much time in there that I had time to really observe everything that I just noticed that the rides were 'older' with their technology, etc. Maybe that is the nostalgia of it....that everyone loves but if they were to be there on a day like we not have to wait in line and actually see just needs a facelift to me!


we did love it...

and it was so much fun to ride some of the oldie goldies like It's a Small World, Peter Pan's Flight, the Tea Cups, Space Mountain, Thunder Mountain, Splash Mountain, the Race Cars, Carousel of Progress, The Little Mermaid, the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train, Haunted Mansion and a TON more!

Welcome! We are so happy we are here! :)
  OF COURSE we have to have a picture with the castle behind us!
 Love making memories with these two!....even if there is a pandemic!
 We loved our shirts on this day!
 These two LOVE Disney! {Lily did NOT love taking more pictures! Can you tell!} :) :)
 Cinderella's castle is huge! beautiful!
 Going inside it!
 Group picture!
  THIS ride! We rode it four times. Well...actually the girls did! Gran and I couldnt stomach it any longer so Alexis and Lily rode it by themselves the last time! GET THIS!!....this roller coaster is FAST! SUPER fast!...........and DARK! You can not see anything on this ride. It is like you are in space and it is pitch black the entire time! And....I didnt remember any of that because we didnt even get to ride this when we went {7} years before because of the lines! So....I thought I might cry on some of the turns and loops.................................BUT.................Alexis and Lily BEGGED to keep riding this and LOVED it! Space Mountain and them riding it so much blew my mind! :)
Space Mountain is both their 2nd favorite after Avatar Pandora. They loved Avatar...and then this was a close second!

 Teacups! Of course they are a MUST!
Yeah...I rode with Lily! And we the whole time. Yeah..shouldnt have picked her to ride with! :)
Mine Train!
THIS is how Lily rode every roller coaster! NO fear I tell you! NONE! :) She is in the VERY front of the ride too!
That is another thing that was super cool....because of the way it was...we got to ride in the very front on almost all the rides....and then got to ride and view different angles the next time we rode! Super cool!
Lex and I rode the Mine Train together! We rode this several times too!
LOOK at this picture! If there wasnt a pandemic...there would be TONS of people in this picture! NO ONE...empty! So weird!.........yet sooo awesome for us!
LOOK at this line! Hours of a wait...normally...for It's a Small World because it is such an iconic ride. NOBODY!
 My girls!
 Of course had to take a picture inside It's a Small World...because....its a small world after all! :)
 Of course..cant go to Disney without getting a Disney 'Dolewhip!' Perfect way to cool down on a Magic Kingdom day!
THIS blows my mind! I took a picture {I will do a separate post showing the difference} of how there is NO strollers...empty! Last time we was insane! I could not find Lily's stroller because it was so jam packed! Toooo crazy to me to see it like this!
The Little Mermaid! My favorite Disney movie! a fun ride! I sang the whole ride! :)
Look at Lily's face! She loved this ride and we rode it a couple of times! She got to shoot aliens! She bragged the rest of the time that she beat everyone! :)
We stayed a little longer in Magic on this day...we hit a drive thru and headed back to the room and just relaxed the rest of the night! Such a fun day!

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