Monday, July 6, 2020

Heading South!

We headed South............and OH, it was great!

Nothing better than spending the 4th of July...

out on the water soaking up the sun rays......riding the boat, jet ski and tubing....spending time with family....watching fireworks...eating some goood food and having a blast!

That is exactly what we did....and it was

Picture overload coming up!

I lost track of my days {I have been lost hasnt gotten better!} I unplugged and it was wonderful!

We soaked it in. We ate gooood! Alexis was so excited we were at the beach on her birthday weekend! {We let her think that we were down because of her birthday! :) Well....its a good thought!} :)
A rainbow on the beach! I couldnt get these three to take a picture if my life depended on it!
She is 100% made in the USA! :) So loved spending time with this little 100% sassy thing!
My little sitting by me!
Then...hitting the jet ski! OH! FUN!
Riding the tube in the ocean/bay...whew, it can be rough...but also sooo much fun!  We had a blast!
They rode the most! I let them! ha! They say....I dont like to get my hair wet. Well....I dont! Haha! But...I rode it...and I rode the jet ski! :)
They also rode and rode their bikes! Alexis looooved having her new bike with her!
Red....white and blue chick!
My view as Brittney and I walked while they biked!
And...then they played...and played! Alexis is 12. Please remember that as you look at this picture! :)
These two love playing with each other! They were 'cooking' when I took this and Kennedy was eating! ha!
She rolled in my food that she prepared for me!
We saw the boat parade! TONS of boats decked out like this with music blasting and people waving as we watched!
So fun!
The girls loved swimming by the boat as we watched the parade! Such a fun long weekend!

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