Thursday, July 30, 2020

Soaking up the last day!

We werent finished yet!

Next but not least...Hollywood Studios!

Oh...we loved it!

We really felt like VIP on this day due to the crowd....and just the atmosphere that Hollywood Studio holds!

The fancy buildings..the palm trees...the music...makes you feel you are in Hollywood California and you are famous!

Right up my alley! :)

Here we go!
Ohhhh....we loved!
Tower of Terror...that tall hotel behind us....yeah...AWESOME ride!
The palms...the street...the music...we felt we were famous!
We loved this and rode it several times! It is like you are in a fancy....old...hotel that is haunted! The evaluator is haunted and while you are in DROPS! We had NO idea it was going to do what it did and it was soooo fun! ha!
The Star Wars area was neat! We ate lunch here and watch these guys doing their thing while we ate! They were yelling out to people! It was neat! It started raining right after we got finished eating so we darted into a ride and rode it several times. By the time we were had stopped raining! SCORE!
We were in this ride that we had to help take over the solar system! So cool!
Anyone who knows me...knows I LOVE me some Aerosmith! Well...they have a roller coaster! I was super bummed because last time we didnt get to ride it because the wait was just soooo long! Well...I have to say..I could only ride this once because it was SUPER fast! With the turns and the fastness...whew...I was good on this though I loved the music it played the entire time! Guess who begged to ride it again..and again....
yep...Alexis and Lily both! :)
This was inside the ride! It was like we were in their studio! Super cool!
I have to say...all the rides and their decor...and the landscaping...etc...was just amazing! So detailed and precise. I just couldnt get over it all! SO much attention to detail!
Toy Story world! I was super sad that 'Honey I Shrunk the Kids' area was closed and removed in 2016 to be replaced by this because when we went...both girls LOVED that area so I was looking forward to that again...
but this new area was amazing! It was all things Toy Story! Slinky Dog....yep..such a fun roller coaster! We allll loved it!
We loved Toy Story Mania as well!
Runaway Railway! Well...we waited in line {though it wasnt long...but still we did wait} got on the ride. It started going and then like 5 seconds just stopped! We sat there for like 4 minutes before anyone came to us! By the time we got was super cool to walk through a closed down Disney ride. We got to see the 'behind the scenes' areas. We got to see how we thought {for example} that we were riding on water..but it was nothing more than a cement floor with a TON of effects! SUPER cool! So, about 30 minutes later...they had it up and running again so we rode it! Super neat!

And..we finished out the day with a parade! Such a fun and last day! We came back and hung out by the pool until late and then we got ready and had Outback! YUM!
Memories that I will hold forever!

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