Thursday, July 30, 2020

Disney Circa!

I LOVE doing posts like this!

To look back in time to see the changes!

It makes me happy!

Look at the difference 7 years makes! :)

Circa 2014! I love this of Lex!
And...just for kicks..because I love this of Lily! look at them! Circa 2020! Where has the time gone!?!?!
We loved this ride then...Circa 2014!....
And in 2020 also! And this time...we got to ride it as many times as we wanted!
Mind blowing! Circa 2014! No pandemic...just a TON of people! It was like this everywhere we were allowed to park the stroller. It was hard to find ours every time!
Different picture angle but the same place. COVID-19 pandemic, Circa 2020. Craziness!
Winnie the Pooh in 2014! {NOTICE the wait time clock on the top left! Wait time...55 minutes!}
Winne the Pooh in 2020! {NOTICE on this one...wait time...5!!! MINUTES! ha!} WOW!
My FAVORITE picture! LOOK at little Lily and Alexis!! Ahhh!! Circa 2014! new favorite picture of Circa 2020! Love her joy...and her smile!..and just her!
Circa 2014 on the Little Mermaid!
On the Little Mermaid!
Two girls that I have NO idea how they have grown up so fast...Circa 2020!
Love...for a look back in time! :)

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