Thursday, July 30, 2020

Ra..ra..ra...week cap!

This week has been filled with gearing up for fall stuff!

What I mean by that....

all things JV Cheer....School Orientations....and school supply drop-offs!

It is getting that time!...and I am ready!

I LOVE Fall!

Alllll things Fall are my favorite!

The excitement of school starting back.....the crispness in the air....that just comfort feeling that Fall

I could just go on and on!

So.....we are hopeful Fall will bring new light to the world!

Hopeful that school will kick off and they will not have to move to virtual. Hopeful that Alexis will have her cheer season. Hopeful Lily will get to play Fall Soccer.

We are just hopeful.

So we shall see!

But...we are for SURE gearing up for it all! :)

These two have had fun making a fort! They laid like this for half a day just watching movies! Soccer literally loved being under there with her that with his toys too! 
 She kicked off the first day....week...of CHEER!
She has been doing virtual cheer throughout the quarantine and then also through Summer but she has been sooooo READY to be with her squad face to face!
She has had long afternoons of practice and has come home tired and ready for a shower and bed but with a full smile on her face!
She is not use to having work-outs so she is seeing what that world is all about! Her muscles are warming up to the fact that they have to be worked know...she is getting there with that! :)
 Alll the girls! JV cheer squad ready to have a great first week!
 We had her Orientation where she got to find out the flow if the high school. Where all her classes will be...and alllll the fun other details like getting her chromebook. She is bummed she couldnt get a all of friends...and have a chance to 'make it cute' by decorating it but maybe the Spring they will let them have them! Fingers crossed!
I just cant believe that she is in HIGH SCHOOL! :) :)
 One cheer day was 'color' day! Team GREEN! :)
  One of the days this week...was crazy sock day! They have had so much fun!
I cant wait to watch their season.........if it happens that is!

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