Wednesday, July 8, 2020

In the groove!

Sooo......Orientations are starting...

school time is getting close...

though we have no idea what the future holds fully with how school will look with all the COVID mess still going on....

but for now, we are gearing up and getting as prepared as we can!

So, Freshman Orientations are on and that means I am in the office a couple of days a week. I have to say...wearing a mask the entire day.....STINKS! We are cleaning...taking temps...hand sanitizing and more and it is just NOT fun!

I am soooooo ready for it to all just stop!

We were talking the other day...that masks are the new accessory. Everyone is trying to wear the cutest masks and hoard as many as they can because make-up gets on them. Sweat. You name it.

It just stinks to have to wear them!

So finding the cutest and the most comfy and ANY that you feel you might can breathe better in snag!

So, a co-worker's Mom made these cute masks for us so we can all match for Orientation. Once we all figured out how to put them on {these are cut lower under the eyes} :) ....we were ready for the students!

Never..and I mean never a dull moment with this group! ha!
The Dream Team as we were labeled! We had a great 1st Orientation. Here's to....about 10 more before August! We are READY! :)

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