Monday, December 28, 2020

A tradition!

 We always LOVE to go ice skating during Christmas break and look forward to it every year! It is a nice break between Christmas and New Years for us to do and we all just love the family time too!

Usually we meet friends or family and they skate with us but this year..........with COVID, we just took off to Bham with just us and had the best day!

We enjoyed lunch and shopping before heading home. It was a great day!

I have to say.....this was probably the first and ONLY day that this family will ever actually agree.......we were glad that we had on masks! It kept our nose and face warm while we skated! ha! It really wasnt that cold in there.......but....I did for sure notice that the mask kept me comfy cozy! :)

Daddy and his tiniest!

She skated by herself...but nothing like she has in the past. We were all shocked! She claimed she didnt know how to skate anymore...........though when she actually would by herself she did good! Fear set in for her I guess since she is older now. Kind of made me sad. She still had a blast skating though!

Daddy and his biggest!
Shopping queens! They just could not wait to use allll their gift cards they got from Christmas! They used them all today and got a bunch of goodies.......per them! :)

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Through this crazy year!

 There is no doubt that 2020 has been an unforgettable year filled with tons of different emotions, situations, anxiousness, happiness, sadness,  discoveries, change and I could go on and on. Through it all, I have realized that change is needed. Change helps with growth and with so many changes throughout the year, there are several changes that I am excited to implement and if it hadnt been for 2020, I wouldnt have known change was needed. 

This year was the first time.......ever...that I was able to work from home from March until August. I got to spend so much valued quality time with my girls that I will treasure forever. I may never have the opportunity again to be able to let them have a true Summer where they werent shipped off to camp every day but they got to stay at home and be kids and play and play and play outside and with their friends. We took more beach trips that I can ever even imagine this year that we wouldnt have been able to because of my flexibility with work. The girls both discovered that they can be responsible for their work and survive school without being in school. They are stronger than they thought/knew. 

Tyler still had to work but he had super flexible hours due to the pandemic so he got to experience what he calls the 'best turkey' season ever with Pawpaw this year. He improved and found is love again for golf and enjoyed playing and spending time with his Dad too. 

There have been many things that we have had to miss out on, too, that we were sad about such as a big girl's trip to New York City. We may never be able to make that trip up because of how sad NYC has become because of the pandemic. It breaks my heart. Tyler and Alexis were not able to go on their epic Washington DC trip together and they will not be able to ever make up.Lily didnt get to play her Spring soccer season too. I lost a dear cousin to COVID, James will so be missed. We know so many friends and family that have battled COVID and are back healed. We have known friends and family that have no survived it too. Through all the ups and all the downs this year is a big year for reflection. To learn to choose what you choose and loose what you loose. Meaning, treasure what is important to you and value and make the most of what you do. Loose what you dont need and what is not fitting for your life. Loose it. During all the quarantine times...if it wasnt for our 'quarantine team' I dont know what we would have done! We all 'quarantined' together so we felt safe and so we would all meet out in the road and the kids would just play and ride bikes or jump on the trampoline. The Christophers, Fritts, Adams, Walker/Stones and the Sorianos all helped keep us sane during a time when no one was allowed to be around people...or go places...or have more than a certain number of people together. We sort of 'broke the rules' but because we all live by each other and all the world was basically closed...we had nothing to do but stay around each other and walk back and forth to each other's homes. We spent many of days and afternoons just hanging out in backyards soaking up the days.....and making memories. The rules one was allowed in anyone's home. If you even had to go to the had to go back to your house and then could come back to where ever everyone was! It was the best and such memorable times! As I go into 2021, I do not ever want to forget 2020 because it has been a year that we will truly never forget.

I am excited to reflect this crazy year!


What a WAY to kick off 2020! Nan, Pawpaw and my crew kicked off the year in Tampa Florida watching the Tigers play! We took a fun family road trip and had a great time!

It was hotter than we thought......Auburn lost....but we still made great memories!
Yeah.............this happened. We became guinea pigs family.....until we just couldnt take allll the poop anymore....and returned Santa's gifts. Crazy Santa for ever thinking we needed guinea pigs! :)


Tyler got Employee of the Month for February! So proud of his hard work!

Alexis' LAST Daddy Daughter dance! OH tears! Glad she got to have her last one because due to COVID, I seriously doubt there will be a dance to end out this school year so thankful she didnt have to miss her last dance with her Daddy!

Lily just shined up on stage and won Tiny Miss Princess in her school division! She did so good! Alexis did great and was so beautiful, too, but didnt come away with a title this year.

Alexis worked SO hard and MADE Junior Varsity Cheer! She was just beaming with excitement and has loved her cheer season ...............even in a pandemic where some events didnt happen because of it!

THEN....February became an even bigger month.............we got Soccer! number 3! Santa had to redeem himself......and so we got a new family member!



No words but this for March. This month is when everything took the CRAZY turn that it did. I became a working from home Mom with two girls trying to navigate school via their teachers teaching them on the computer. Crazy I tell ya!

We survived...........though...........and figured out how to live in the pandemic world! :)

We learned how to social distance. The two words that I had never heard that are now a common distance and quarantine. Used alllllllllll the time now. Pawpaw and Lex did an 'air hug!' :)

MUCH needed break from quarantine.........our 1st Spring break trip to keep Kennedy. We had the BEST week with her and keeping our It was fabulous! We took bike rides, picnics....played and played and soaked up the week!


There is NO better picture to summarize April than this.............THIS was April! 

We found our groove and made it to the end of the school year! Whoop whoop! I worked from the dining room and Lily set up shop in the hallway and Alexis was at her desk in her room! Once we found our groove..........we were rocking and rolling!

Except............when a  new little one that was learning the ropes around here...didnt want her to work! :)


School was slowing down........I was still working from home....Daddy had shorter and more flexible because we couldnt go anywhere...and because all shops, restaurants, etc, were closed......we did a TON of this! Perfection! Enjoying each other and getting out of the house and enjoying the outdoors!

Whew..............a much needed break...we slipped off to Ashley's condo for a couple of days to have a break from being stuck at home and being with kids 24/7! We did nothing but lay our tails on the beach and it was amazing! My 1st 'Momcation!'
Our 1st trip with LaLa of the year! What two girls gets to say that they got to finish out their school year.........AT THE BEACH!?! Well....only Alexis and Lily! I would say...thanks to the pandemic...and virtual school....were were doing this instead of being in school and in the office. Fantastic!

Since the theme of the year was all things outdoors....and being able to do more with the girls because of me getting to work from home.....we did an adventure to trek behind Noccalula Falls! I have been a thousand times to the Falls but have never hiked behind it. BOY...was it way more tough than I thought it would be...but we survived and it was amazing! I dont think we will ever do it again so it was worth it!

The restaurants opened back up but with only half capacity. Our 1st time eating back in one since March! Los Mex was .......of course...our 1st pick to eat at! OH yum!
The girls got to go back to Kennedy's for an entire week with Aunt Pam! They soaked in the fun!
Then...back to the family beach trip with Gran! We so enjoyed seeing we social distanced and soaked up the week with Gran and Ben!
Because we had thought that COVID had slowed down....the girls dance recital was pushed to June for the 1st time ever. I was worried that it was going to be cancelled completely and was worried that it was going to be during our beach trip but thankfully they made it very safe and even with all the restrictions....the girls had a great recital! Especially since this was Alexis' last dance recital ever. Sad!
Lily just shined on stage!

July is always a big month! Lex turned 12! She got to celebrate her 12th birthday at the beach this year instead of how we normally go to Auburn. We missed Auburn but with the pandemic, we just couldnt make the trip so we went and visited Mitchell and Britt! 

We had the best trip! Our 1st fourth of July at the beach and we think this is a new tradition!
Nothing more American than fireworks....sparklers...American and family!
Celebrated 10 years of missing Dad.
Tyler and I celebrated 15 years of marriage! We didnt get to go on an anniversary trip since traveling is banned but we will make it up once we can!
Reese was born in July! Meet Reese and these adorable new parents!
We finished off July was an EPIC trip to Disney World with Gran! YES...we went to Disney in the middle of a pandemic. We went right when Disney finally opened back up. It was an amazing trip!


We never thought we would still be in a pandemic and starting another school year like we were! Virtual learning...blended school....just never thought it would still be around and the fact that COVID numbers still were high!

Despite it was decided to still happen. Though some games were cancelled ....though some people had players...cheerleaders...etc...missing due to sickness or quarantine....everyone made the best of it and thankful we still got to have what we did!

Alexis' first JV event! Selling programs at the High school game! She was pumped!

HUGE surprise! Blake and Margie flew in from tell us they are having a BABY! :)

Chase and Meg got married even in a pandemic! None of were able to be they are going to have a more formal wedding with all their family and friends in April so we are excited!...and it will be at the beach!


Labor day weekend! We had to get out and since some of the restrictions were lowered...we made the most of it so we spent a couple of days soaking up the sunshine and the pool with the Ray's in Auburn! It was perfection!

We enjoyed the trip to help celebrate Lily's 9th birthday! Turning 9 in a pandemic!

Then we decided she deserved a party! We kept it outside and enjoyed the whole day on the water with her best friends!

Alexis' first JV game!
Lily's soccer season finally happened! Though she was quarantined for a couple of the games...and the season was different than any other...she loved playing and we were so thankful that she got to!


October marked us working on Lily's redspot on her eye! She has an awesome doctor at Childrens and with his help and these really good eye drops hopefully it will go away!

We lost a dear cousin to COVID pneumonia. He will be missed.

Lily was quarantined during Halloween {the day before Halloween we found out she was exposed because her teacher tested positive.} It was heartbreaking for her because Halloween is one of our favorite holidays but we made the most of it! We are very thankful that though she was exposed, she escaped getting COVID and was okay! Originally she was supposed to be smore's with her friend group. She was supposed to be one of sides of the graham cracker. Since she was not able to be with them...she decided on a zombie dancer at the last minute

Alexis wasnt quarantined she spent Halloween day getting ready with her friends as they were characters from Winnie the Pooh. Alexis was Piglet!


We had some beautiful weather in November so between that....and tons of blended school...we did this! Soaked up the sunshine with our quarantine team! This crew rode the trial from our house all the way to Turtle lake and it was a great afternoon mixed with a picnic at the park too!

Alexis had her 1st basketball game! Due to the rising COVID was cut short so she didnt get to cheer many games. They did a great job of social distancing while cheering and she enjoyed basketball. I cant say I much...because it makes for a very long day and week when your child has to cheer so many games and goes straight from right after school until around 9:00pm on game nights!

Thanksgiving...COVID pandemic style! We spaced out and kept it short! We had dinner with my side too {well just Gran, Ben and Andrew} since the other family members are quarantining.


We have made it through the year in a pandemic! Sad to say....COVID is still here. Still high. A vaccine is now here. After a year though many are worried with getting the shot because COVID is still somewhat not understood. We dont know when the season is for it because it literally has held strong through the cold...the heat, etc. It affects everyone who gets it in different ways concerning the symptoms...but hopefully the vaccine will work and we can stop living in the COVID world full of always having to wear our masks....always having to social distance...always having to worry about getting sick...always having to worry with everything else that has come with the world we are living in. It is strange and crazy times! Im ready for a bright and fresh new year!

Despite a pandemic...I just couldnt go without my annual Christmas party. I felt I was breaking alllll the rules...and the fact that it was the first 'party' anyone of us have had/been to since March...we all felt 'strange' but we gathered......safely...all ensured we were healthy before coming...and we had the best time! I kept the guest list small and we just soaked up having some moments in time that we felt like the world was back to 'normal!'...........with whatever is now deemed to be 'normal' that is!

And....that's a wrap! Santa came and went! These two had a great year......even with all the uncertain times we dealt with throughout the year! I am ready to see what 2021 holds though no matter what...I am actually thankful for 2020 as it was a year like none so many ways!