Sunday, December 27, 2020

3 things!

 It has been a long while since I have done a 3 things post so since this crazy year is soon ending, thought I should do one to complete the year!



1. She has dominated high school! She loves the fact that older kids are in some of her classes. She has fallen in love with singing...even more than she already did through choir!

2. Her products. OH.MY.GOODNESS.HER.AND.HER.PRODUCTS. There are just no words for her and alllll the face creams.....shaving creams {yes, she has four bottles in her shower!} her eyebrow know I could go on and on! I dont even know half of what she has....or how to use/apply it but dont you worry.........she will tell you and show you....and tell you how you need to be using all of it too! ha! :)

3. Through this thing we have deemed the COVID plaque, Alexis has discovered that she can survive doing online school. She has had to keep up with allll of her extensive assignments and become really organized. She was already she has had it easier than what I hear from her friends parents. I have been so proud of her hard work!


1. This girl. She is full growing up stage. What I mean by that, she has cleared out all 'toys' from her room. Completely. Saying that she just doesnt need them or want them anymore because she is older. BUT....once one of her friends comes over....she can somehow locate a baby doll and resort right back to playing school or 'house' and is just so happy! :)

2. She is constantly coming up with new jokes. She is the life of the party! When she starts laughing..really her own jokes, know that she thinks whatever she did is the greatest ever! :) She............also.........loves to say things she poop....or something like that. She knows it but...she thinks it is hilarious. She also likes to poot or burp randomly too...and loves to poot and not tell anyone until we are all gagging..............then she starts busting out laughing. OH...Lily!

3. Through the pandemic, Lily has learned that she thrives and loves to be in school. She loves to go to school and be there with her friends and her teachers. She has hated having to do her online work and is just giddy when it is over and when it has been her in person days when we have had to go blended. She loves her friends and loves all things social so she has not liked the way things have been!

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