Friday, December 25, 2020

Our Christmas Eve!

 Hard to believe that 2020 is almost over. It has been a whirlwind of a year but in same 'time fashion' has flown.

There has not been one doubt that us little Law family has made the most out of the year and that is what we did for Christmas Eve and Christmas day too!

It was a rainy day until around lunch so we enjoyed staying in our pjs, Daddy's yummy big breakfast, watching Christmas movies, opening our family gifts and making cookies for Santa!

Later Christmas Eve afternoon, we got ready and headed to our Christmas Eve service at Church. We didnt know if it was going to actually take place due to COVID, but just like on Sundays...everyone social distanced and we enjoyed a beautiful service. 

It is and will always be my most favorite thing {tradition} to do at Christmas. I just love it!

We had a short service since large number of people cant gather for we headed to Gran's sooner than year's past.

We got to Grans and enjoyed dinner and presents before getting home late and straight to bed so Santa could come!

Soooo....we played a game to see who would open their gifts first. Well...Alexis won. Lily didnt like it! Alexis was actually really sweet and opened two and then let Lily open hers! :)

Diving in!
Alexis loved her gifts! :)
They DO love each other! They LOVE picking out and giving each other their gifts each year! They cant wait to open the gifts. Those are the ones they pick first to open...every year!
Showing off their goods! Merry Christmas Eve!
Ready to enjoy Church! My favorite!

After Church and Grans....these two were excited to put on their Christmas pjs....put the cookies out for Santa and hit the bed!

And then....Santa came to our house! :)

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