Monday, December 21, 2020

Lily you're Rudolph!


Lily always gets SO excited when she discovers that Ella Jingle turns her into Rudolph!

Well last night.....Ella Jingle did!

It is SO hard to do! Ha! Lily turned right when I started using the of slipped...hence...see the line coming from her nose! hahaha!

I heard Lily telling Tyler from the kitchen {while I hadnt got up yet} that she couldnt believe that she didnt wake up when Ella Jingle was doing it! :) 

Then...she said..'Daddy!!! Ella Jingle did a marker that WILL NOT come off! It is NOT washable!' {I knew the marker was!} 

So, when I 'woke up' and came out into the kitchen....Lily was so excited to show me! She said that she wrote on the note from Ella Jingle...'not washable' so she would know that it wont come off! { did!} :)

This picture just cracks me up!............and makes me smile! :)


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