Friday, December 25, 2020

A COVID Christmas day!

 This is the first Christmas day....ever...that we have not traveled anywhere and have just stayed home. We dont know what to do with ourselves but we are for sure figuring it out! ha! Since Nan and Pawpaw moved their Christmas to the other day...and LaLa ended up cancelling due to COVID concerns....we are home! So ready for COVID to be over! It has just been a sad time! We have missed seeing all of our family but hopefully.....sooner rather than will all be over and back to 'normal!'

The girls woke up this morning and dove right in to Santa!

They both were so pumped. Alexis actually set her alarm to wake up early {because...ya know...she is in teen age mode of sleeping alll day if she could!} She wanted to be up and ready to see what all Santa brought!

Daddy made breakfast again...and Lily had made blueberry we enjoyed breakfast and then back to checking out and opening everything!

Let me not forget to mention......while watching A Christmas Story....on repeat! :)

So is 2:05. Tyler and I are now watching Netflix curled up. {I could for sure take a nap...and just might!} Lily is in her room {now} putting legos together!....and Alexis is organizing her room. She has officially put up all of her Christmas goodies....straightened up her room....and working on putting alll of her Christmas clothes, make up, etc! :)

We have plans to make a yummy Christmas day dinner and continue to soak up just being at home together and enjoying some relaxation! 


Lily checking out allll her goods!
Alexis looked at allll her goodies too!
Soccer LOVES his gift from Santa! He has played and played and played with it! Here...he actually dropped it and was taking a break!  :)
And...this was Lily! Alexis had already cleaned up all of her stuff....and Lily...well...ya know Lily...she literally transferred it all from the living room her floor...and what you see is the remaining items.....and her legos! She loves to do it and was just working soooo hard on them!

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