Monday, December 14, 2020

Lily and Abby and a girl's day!

This past week was the first week we have been back to blended. Lily went to in person school Monday and Wednesday and out the other days while the other group had their in person school. Goodness 2020 has been a roller coaster! I let Alexis stay home on Tuesday and do virtual school and she hated it so she went to school Wednesday and then by Wednesday afternoon they determined her school was going completely virtual the remainder of the week so then she was back home with us. This week Alexis doesnt have to go to school at all because she has done so well this semester that she doesnt have to take any semester exams!! SO PROUD of her! So, she is officially on Christmas break! Lily has to go today and Wednesday but she isnt mad about it because they are having fun days and doing their Christmas party too! 

Wednesday was Lily's last in person school day so she went ahead and took her bus driver and her sweet teacher, Mrs. Real their Christmas gifts because...these just never know if school would be cancelled so we went ahead and got it out of the way! Lily was so excited to take the gifts!

Lily and Abby Grace have been the sweetest of friends for years and years so when her Mom texted to have Lily over to play and spend the night........Lily was beside herself excited!

They spent Thursday and Thursday night just playing and playing! It did Lily's heart good!


Lily cracked me up! She came home 'bragging' that she stayed up alllll night! I looked at her {because I know that DID NOT happen with her} and said....what time did you really go to bed. Then she goes,well...okay...11:00.........well okay.....10:00pm. Well....okay, I went to bed at 9:30! baha! {to her though that is super late! Abby probably was like why are we going to bed so early!? ha! They made a fort and Lily said she had so much fun!

Friday since both girls were out of school {well Lily had some virtual work to do so once she was finished} we had a fun girl's day! We shopped and had lunch and of COURSE hit Starbucks since their gift card from Ella Jingle has been burning a HOLE in their pockets! Alexis got a Bath and Body gift card from her Dirty Santa party and Lily got a Claire's gift card from hers so those were burning too so they both bought 'fun stuff' with their cards to finish off a fun day!

Starbucks makes these two so happy! I honestly dont understand it..........with everyone...but I guess I am just the weird one! :)

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