Tuesday, December 1, 2020

It is December 1st!!

 Lily has been on the countdown for weeks.....................for when Ella Jingle is coming to our house!

Literally everyday....she is coming in 5 days. She is coming in 3 days.... she is coming TOMORROW! 

I for sure have not had a chance to forget to come up with something for her arrival! 

The first thing out of Callie's mouth this morning {to Lily} was..............where is your elf!!?!?!

They went straight to her!

At 5:15 THIS MORNING..........Lily came crying {waking me up} in my room sad because Ella Jingle didnt come.......................

Well....back story.......usually Ella Jingle brings alllll of her friends along with a goodie and is in the girl's hallway out in front of their doors to greet them and show she has arrived......

well....this year........

 Ella Jingle is quarantined............and I didnt want her quarantined in the hallway {for Soccer to knock all the 'friends' around and them end up stuck under our couch or somewhere} so Ella Jingle landed in the playroom.............

and Lily didnt know to look there........at 5:15 in THE MORNING........... so she was SO upset!

As soon as I told Lily to go check other places.........like the playroom {hint hint.....go away so I can sleep more! :) :)} she took off...............and found her!

2020 is sooooo trying to redeem itself...............so thank you Santa....Ella Jingle has to stay put until Monday to quarantine..............since she has flown over New York City.............{and we alllll know how bad COVID is in NYC} soooo.....quarantine it is! :)

Whew........I am excited, I do not have to worry until Monday with moving her around until the rest of Christmas! :)

Welcome Ella Jingle...and allll her friends! {I just LOVE how excited Lily still gets with this......even though it is hard to remember to come up with things and move her every night!} :)

The BEST and it wouldnt be 2020 without this! ha!


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