Saturday, December 5, 2020

The littles Dirty Santa night!

 Whew...let me tell you...

these girls....make me sleep good at night! ha! They are rowdy....loud...'full of life'.....and when they get together....and are super excited...and happy to see each other...whew! ha! 

They were all so excited to be with each other and have a fun night!

There were only a couple of 'issues' and I only wanted to pull my hair times, but overall fun was had by all and sweet memories made with this crew! :)

Alexis had her party too at the Fritts so pictures to come of that when I get some! {if I do!} ha!

AND....Alexis drew the board behind her!!! She is such a creative little artist! Her handwriting is way better than mine too. She is so talented! I love what she has drawn!!

 This girl was so READY for her party and her friends! She just could not wait!

Eating and being silly! ONE of these days..Ella and Caroline..both...are going to be like...WHY do I make these dumb EVERY picture!?? ONE day...they are going to say that! ha!

They made Santas and then a bell...because if you can still hear it ring...that means you still believe. If you believe, you receive! :)
Love these littles!
Crazy girls!
Abby CRACKED me up! She smelled every single gift before she got the one she wanted. She claimed that helped her picked the best one!...............well....then they all had to do that too! ha! Oh gracious these girls! :)

They alllll claimed they know how to play...and they dont. A couple of not so happy moments and begging to trade and the other not wanting to....but I think by the end...they were pretty happy with their gifts!, I am going to bed...and sleeping like a baby tonight! :) ha!

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