Monday, December 14, 2020


 Meanwhile on the home front......

Tyler had more responsibility this weekend! ha! :)

He had to take care of not only Alexis and Lily...but he had to make sure Soccer, Tickles and Aubie were fed and taken care of....

he had to make sure Lily got her (4) drops a day for her eye....

and make sure to do something with Ella Jingle.

Doing something for Ella Jingle proved to be the most difficult task! ha! I told have one day out of 25 and you cant think of something for her!?! But...I gave him an idea and so mission accomplished! :)

They had a great weekend hanging out with the Sorianos and spending time together too!

They all survived! :)

Tyler sent me this picture of them enjoying lunch together! One of these days they both are going to wonder why they make the faces they do! :)

When I got home yesterday...we all decided to load up and go eat Mexican.......

And then go see the Christmas house in Piedmont! It was really good at Halloween..........but even BETTER at Christmas! We sat in the truck watching the awesome lights and singing our hearts out! Wellll....maybe not Tyler...but us girls did! :) It was a great night back with the family! :)

Now...we are back in the groove {blended groove} today! Happy Monday!

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