Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Alexis' first choir concert!

 Alexis fought me TOOTH and NAIL when she realized I put choir as her elective when we were doing 7th grade registration. She did NOT want to do it...and was made at me the rest of that week when we did her schedule. I knew she would enjoy it....and I knew she would love it once she got over her stubbornness! 


that she has.

She has loved choir. I mean she literally has sung herself to sleep since she learned to talk. She sings alllll day....everrrryyyydaaayyy...soooo...wouldnt you think the child needed to be in choir!?!?!


So...her Christmas choir concert got cancelled because the school decided to end the year virtually.......and we all were soooo bummed!

So...we made her do it in our living room instead! 

She didnt want to do it at first for us...especially because it was by herself...in our living room...and then she got mad at me because she realized I was videoing her....

but I didnt care! :)

She sounded like perfection! She sounded so good and it brought tears to my eyes to hear her beautiful voice actually singing real songs! {What I mean by that is I hear her sing songs all the time but it is her just singing half way...and not the whole song...you know!} So, I am so glad she sang them............and so glad I videoed them too! :)

Even though there was a cat fight in the middle of one of the songs.....{Soccer {good grief} just out of nowhere tackled Aubie and it went downhill from there} :)............it was a great show in our living room! :)

Lily just HAD to introduce her before she could begin! :)

Moving to the next song!
Sweet voice! Maybe one of these days we will actually get to see her in full performance!

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