Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Law Christmas 2020 COVID edition!

 Due to the times.....Christmas was a little different this year. We social distanced and made sure to keep ourselves safe.....yet we had a great afternoon today! Nan and Pawpaw typically do Christmas day but since Christmas day is supposed to be super freezing it was moved to today since the weather was warmer so we could prop open the windows and the door and enjoy the fresh air. We had a delicious dinner and chatting...mixed with Christmas gifts was perfection!

Playing a little scavenger hunt....for money...{right up both girl's alley!} before opening gifts! Lily won...Alexis tried to snatch some of Lily's...Lily didnt like that tooooo mad...but Alexis gave it was right in the world! :)

Lily was pumped!
So was Alexis! :)
The girls!
With Nan!
And....of course Pawpaw!
And...then a quick family picture! Merry Christmas Eve.....eve!! :)

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