Saturday, December 5, 2020

A little Dirty Santa!

 Last night was one of my most favorite times of the year!

I am SO sad that we are in a stupid pandemic................and the fact that I didnt get to have the normal big shindig and invite alll my favorites but I just couldnt go without having my Dirty Santa party so I kept it small and we had a blast! Next year is going to be HUGE...and COVID better be loooong gone!

Always a memory maker and full of food, laughs and fun!

 This year I favorite things....Dirty Santa and it was a hit! With the way the world has been lately, bringing a smile to everyone doing their 'favorite thing(s)' was so fun!

Alllll the food! LOVE!
I love how I did the butcher paper this year with fun writing...decor on it! Love changing up how I do things each year! :)
This was SOOOO funny! Soooo...the theme was to wear your comfy clothes and most festive socks! The person with the most festive socks won a gift. Well......Crissy won HANDS down! SOOOOO funny! She had my face on her socks! She then took them off and gave them to me to keep! CRACKED me up!! There was NO question she won the prize! haha!
LOOK at these! They are AMAZING!!!
SOOOOO fun! With games and trivia galore! Laughs and what it is all about...even if we kept our distance and wore masks!.....that didnt stop us!

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