Thursday, December 3, 2020

The Purple Pants


 the Purple Pants. 

The Purple Pants gets a capital letter at the beginning because they deserve it. They are important. 

Want to know about the Purple Pants? 

Let me tell you a story about the Purple Pants.



Well, she is my child that she will swear to you that she cleaned and that her room is 'picked up' yet it still looks like a disaster zone though...she did actually straighten it up, the problem is, her skills are just not great at knowing what is a disaster and what isnt! ha!

So, I went through her pants and saw a pair of cute purple pants that she has not worn yet and told her to sit them on her dresser and that she could wear them at some point this week.

Well, the very next morning, I go into her room and tell her to find a sweater to match the purple pants to wear.................

and the purple pants are nowhere to be found.

Lily and I are having a good 10 minute conversation of.........WHERE are the purple pants. They for sure did not make it to the dresser as I had told Lily. Oh no, she said she left them in the floor............right where I had last put them. We looked under her bed. Under the dresser. All to no avail. The purple pants were nowhere. We were both scratching our head going......the purple pants could not have just got up and walked out of your room....


where did they go!?!?!

Well, Alexis {during this whole commotion} is walking by going to the bathroom....hearing all of this...getting ready for school.....

so I ask her....Alexis have you seen Lily's purple pants?!?!

WELL....she simply goes...yes, as she is TAKING THEM OUT OF HER DRAWER!

She had them the WHOLE time. Never mentioned that she had them. Knew we were looking for them and yet they were in her drawer sitting there.

OH yeah, I was not a happy camper.

Nonetheless, she didnt even think that MAYBE........oh so MAYBE....that Lily wears a size 8 and she wears a size 12/00 {00-double zero} so the purple pants would NOT fit her...

but she grabbed them {out of Lily's floor} and put them in her drawer because she thought they were cute and wanted them.

Oblivious to even thinking..................they DO NOT FIT!


Alexis..............since she so badly wanted Lily's pants....stole them...didnt mention it....

GOT TO WEAR them to school even though she was begging not to because they were not going to fit her like she thought they would!

She was mortified. 

But......maybe it taught her a lesson!

She wore those babies all day and could barely button them!

OH me!

Just OH me!

Never a dull moment!

So, the story of the Purple Pants......dont take your younger sister's clothes that are 5 sizes too small for you and claim them.

She has no idea I took this picture as she was trying to squeeze herself in these! OH my goodness! The {bad part for me but good part for her} thing is........though they were super tight...and she could barely button them....they just look like tight capris on her.She also wore a long and baggy black top over them so no one knew anything...BUT... the funny thing, though, is that even though most other people would not have known that she is wearing pants she shouldnt be, she knew and she had to enjoy them :)

So, after I washed them and before they were put up, Lily actually got to wear her pants this morning! ha! They look so much better on the correct body! Gracious! :)

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