Monday, December 28, 2020

A tradition!

 We always LOVE to go ice skating during Christmas break and look forward to it every year! It is a nice break between Christmas and New Years for us to do and we all just love the family time too!

Usually we meet friends or family and they skate with us but this year..........with COVID, we just took off to Bham with just us and had the best day!

We enjoyed lunch and shopping before heading home. It was a great day!

I have to say.....this was probably the first and ONLY day that this family will ever actually agree.......we were glad that we had on masks! It kept our nose and face warm while we skated! ha! It really wasnt that cold in there.......but....I did for sure notice that the mask kept me comfy cozy! :)

Daddy and his tiniest!

She skated by herself...but nothing like she has in the past. We were all shocked! She claimed she didnt know how to skate anymore...........though when she actually would by herself she did good! Fear set in for her I guess since she is older now. Kind of made me sad. She still had a blast skating though!

Daddy and his biggest!
Shopping queens! They just could not wait to use allll their gift cards they got from Christmas! They used them all today and got a bunch of goodies.......per them! :)

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