Thursday, December 17, 2020

No more in person school....and the C's are 5!

 Yesterday marked the last in person school day! Lily has a virtual school day left today and then it is officially Christmas break!

To celebrate the unofficial Christmas break...................and two special twins turning 5.....we enjoyed Baja and a 'shopping spree' at the Dollar Tree last night!

Lily was SO excited about having her class Christmas party! She came home soooooo excited to tell us alllll about it and allll about allll the food/goodies she ate and had! She was so excited, too, that Aubie wanted to take a picture with her before school! {Note....he just happened to be sitting there!} :) :)

To have a simple balloon.....that is your favorite color and has your name on it...........they were in HEAVEN! :)

I can NOT believe these two are five already!

They were SOOOO excited to be sung to as well! Cracked me up because Calhoun was just soooo excited that he did this face the ENTIRE time! I was like Calhoun....breath....blink....bahaha!

Then...when I told them that after we ate.........that they could have a shopping the Dollar Tree {their favorite store}..................they just didnt know what to do! They went up and down and down and up the toy aisle for like 15 minutes before picking all their goodies! They both were like....'I can get WHATEVER I want!?!' I loved it! Not sure Misty did...but I sure did! ha! Then...once they were done picking out their toys...I told them to hit the candy aisle! Their minds were blown! ha! I have NO doubt it was their best and most favorite birthday moment ever! :) And....I spent a total of like $12.00 bucks and that was it on both of them! Win-win! ha! :)

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