Saturday, December 31, 2016

Wrapping up with the best of 2016!

Well, tonight is the last night of 2016!

There have been tears, laughter, memories galore, new friendships and two little girls have grown over the course of 2016. I am truly blessed to have had another year and look forward to what all 2017 brings!

So to reflect on some of the greatest memories of 2016...let me 'look back in time!' :)

We enjoyed our one and only snow moments of 2016! The girls loved playing in it, eating it, making snow angels and throwing it on each other! :)
I love this picture!
Always the best and sweetest time! Daddy/Daughter dance!
 We celebrated Valentine's Day biiiig time! :)

Lily officially decided she was not a 'baby' anymore so she, out of nowhere, came up to me and wanted me to sell her 'giraffe-e and her blanket' to a baby girl! And so I did! :) This was HUGE considering she was soooo attached to both of them! :)
We also celebrated Bran and Linda getting married! :) :)
We celebrated Easter with family!
April: April is always a very busy month!
Lily had her tonsils out and it has been the best thing for her! She was a trooper and did so good during her recovery!
We celebrated Aubie's birthday.....Daddy's birthday and my birthday all in April! :)
This little sassy thing LOVED her first season of t-ball!!
The girls did awesome during the dance recitals! :)
We celebrated Mother's Day with Gran and Nan....and my little family of four!
2nd grade came and went in May! :)
The girls were flower girls in Miss. Leslie's wedding! My two girls are PROS at being flower girls! I have lost count at how many times they have been in weddings!................and I see a lot more in our future too! :)
The beach! LOVE!
Alexis turned 8!! WOW!! Super fun birthday party on the Lake at Gran's with her best friends!
 4th of July Auburn trip! Love!!
 Tyler and I celebrated our 11 year wedding anniversary by riding our bikes down the trail to Georgia! Whew, I cant even believe I made it! 24 miles! :)
Football season in full effect!...and for Auburn too! Alexis and her cheer squad had a great season! They placed 2nd in their cheer competition and the boys went undefeated and won the championship game! It was a great season!
Alexis rolled right on into 3rd grade!
Lily started Pre-K at Kittystone! She LOVED that she was starting 'big girl' school with her big sister!!
I had the best trip with some of my most favorite people...that just so happen to be family to San Diego California to visit Blake and Margie with Meg and Mal!
We celebrated Lily turning 5!!!
Cant believe she is 5!
 We celebrated Brandi getting Teacher of the Year!
Lily had her very 1st school field trip to the Pumpkin Patch! She had a blast! She searched and searched for the perfect pumpkin to bring home!
Her sweet class! Nan and Pawpaw came with me for the fun of her field trip on this day!
 We partied big time celebrating Nannie turning 80! :)
 We celebrated Halloween!
 And of course having our fun Halloween party and doing Church Fall Festivals, Haunted houses with friends, making Halloween food, and trick or treating!
We celebrated Tickles 1st 'Gotcha Day' since it was a whole year that she 'adopted' us!.....and decided to live with us! :)
Tyler and Pawpaw had an awesome trip to South Dakota on a pheasant hunt!
We celebrated Thanksgiving with the Law crew!
As well as my side too! :)
Watched little missy win Division Supreme in the Sweet Southern Sass pageant!
And watched this one win too!
Had the BEST time at my 5th Dirty Santa party! Always love this and cant believe it has been 5 years!
Alexis and Lily celebrated with their sweet friends to start a new tradition!
Enjoyed Callaway Gardens Christmas trip with Gran, Ben and Andrew!
Alexis pulled her very own tooth for the first time! This marks history considering she doesnt like anything blood, etc! :) So brave! :)
We enjoyed Christmas as Santa came....opening gifts with all family too....and Christmas caroling, the Christmas Eve service at Church!...the list goes on and on! :)
Had a blast ringing in the new year with the bestest of friends during our New Years Eve...Eve party! These sweet friends had a blast!
HERE'S to 2017!

Friday, December 30, 2016

New Years Eve...Eve party~2016!

Tonight was a blast!

Tonight marked the girl's 2nd annual New Year's Eve...Eve party!

Last year was so much fun but this year was too!

Tons of memories and friend fun was made!

Everything was ready for the fun!
Love this picture! Lily asked Santa for a 'best friend' necklace to give Callie! She was SOOOOO excited to give it to her tonight! :)
Time for food! :) They thought they were sooooo fancy with this little glasses of white grape juice that I had for them! :)
Lily's friend table! :)
After we ate.........we headed down to the basement for fun and dancing!
I saw some very very VERY funny dance moves tonight!
And a lot came from Lily! :) :)
Jaycee, Callie and Lily doing 'Just Dance!' They all loved this!
See...more great dance moves!
There was basketball that was played, air hockey and ping pong! They played and played!
Air hockey tournament!
Sweet group of kiddos!
Then we came back up and painted!
Hard at work! :) :)
Final results! They turned out super cute!
Addie ended up spending the night with us because her Dad had a late night trip to do so she hung with us! Alexis was thrilled that she is staying. As I type this...they have told me that they are staying up allll night and laying in these beanbags! {I shall see how long that lasts!} :)
Love the little friendships that my girls have and I love that I love them all like my own! :) :)