Friday, December 30, 2016

New Years Eve...Eve party~2016!

Tonight was a blast!

Tonight marked the girl's 2nd annual New Year's Eve...Eve party!

Last year was so much fun but this year was too!

Tons of memories and friend fun was made!

Everything was ready for the fun!
Love this picture! Lily asked Santa for a 'best friend' necklace to give Callie! She was SOOOOO excited to give it to her tonight! :)
Time for food! :) They thought they were sooooo fancy with this little glasses of white grape juice that I had for them! :)
Lily's friend table! :)
After we ate.........we headed down to the basement for fun and dancing!
I saw some very very VERY funny dance moves tonight!
And a lot came from Lily! :) :)
Jaycee, Callie and Lily doing 'Just Dance!' They all loved this!
See...more great dance moves!
There was basketball that was played, air hockey and ping pong! They played and played!
Air hockey tournament!
Sweet group of kiddos!
Then we came back up and painted!
Hard at work! :) :)
Final results! They turned out super cute!
Addie ended up spending the night with us because her Dad had a late night trip to do so she hung with us! Alexis was thrilled that she is staying. As I type this...they have told me that they are staying up allll night and laying in these beanbags! {I shall see how long that lasts!} :)
Love the little friendships that my girls have and I love that I love them all like my own! :) :)

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