Thursday, December 8, 2016

Oh that Elf!....

Ella Jingle has been very......very busy here at our house lately!

Here are just a few things she has been up to! :) :)

Ella Jingle decided to put Lily's underwear on my tree! Lily thought this was the funniest thing she has evvvvvver seen!!! Alexis said 'Oh my goodness, that is disgusting!' :) haha!
Then one day, Ella Jingle really really wanted to go to school with them! On this day also, Alexis was SOOOO excited about her field trip that day to see the Nutcracker! She loved it!
On this day....Ella Jingle brought the girls a new t-shirt! Super cool! :)
And....on this day!.....Ella Jingle decided to put Alexis' underwear on my little white tree! Again.....Lily thought this was the funniest thing ever...especially since Alexis thought it was so disgusting the first time! ha!
Two little girls and one silly Ella Jingle before school! :)

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