Saturday, December 17, 2016

The last week of School for 2016 and Santa pictures!

So....the week has finally ended!

It has been the longest week! ha! I still have Monday to work........but I am not counting it! haha!

We are ready for Christmas break!

So this little stinker got these Christmas tattoos in her Christmas goodie bag from her Christmas party at school Thursday.
Well, I woke up to this! She came running in my bedroom Friday morning with them all over her. She took it upon herself to put them on when she woke up yesterday morning! I had to scrub them off before heading to school!
It is FRIDAY!! Last day in 2016!
Winter wonderland sisters! :)
Yesterday I had the privilege to Marshal the Graduation. It was nerve racking trying to get 600 students to where they were supposed to be and to direct them to do what they were supposed to do....but I survived! :)
Then last night these two sweet twin babies had their 1st birthday party! So thrilled for Misty and love this picture of our kiddos!!
AND....FINALLY....Santa pictures!!!
I have been waiting what seems like forever for these! I LOVE Santa pictures! :)

This one is my favorite! :) I cant wait to show our Christmas card now that I have these pictures in! I decided to use these this year for our card! Coming soon! :) :)

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