Monday, December 26, 2016

Christmas Eve!

We had a busy and fun Christmas Eve.

It sure didnt feel like Christmas Eve outside for sure...but I loved it! :)

We enjoyed our time at home before heading to our Church to the Christmas Eve service and then headed to Gran's to eat Christmas Eve dinner and open gifts!

The girls crashed as soon as we got home.....................just in time for Santa to come! :)

Ready for the Christmas Eve service...presents and Santa! This little girl was ready! :)
Ready to go too!
Outside our Church
The Church is beautiful during Christmas time! Christmas marked 2 years of us being members! I have loved being at FBC Jacksonville!
 Nan and Pawpaw came our Christmas Eve service!
 Finally at Grans!
This girl was a pro at passing out gifts.............AND opening them! She was more excited about ripping all the paper off the gifts than what was inside!
Nannie started a tradition of giving all the grandkids ornaments to put on their tree when they are 'grown up!'...............Well, I have loved using mine as I have a home now and seeing and remembering that Nannie got them for me. Well, Gran is doing it now for Alexis and Lily. Gran is doing a snowman theme for them. So each Christmas now, they get pretty different kinds of snowmen ornaments.
My goodness at the gifts!
Andrew and Lily bug!
Gran and the girls
Ben and the two munchkins.
Nannie and Hogan came over and ate with us and watched the girls  and us open gifts.
Andrew painted Lily's fingernails for her! :)
She loved it! :)
This picture is priceless!!!!!! Lily was literally passed out like this as soon as we pulled out of Gran's driveway......and she slept like this all the way home! It was hilarious! :) :)
We got the girls home and snuggled up and sound asleep in their beds....milk and cookies for Santa.......and then just started the waiting game for Santa to get busy!! :)

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