Monday, December 5, 2016

Introducing...Division Supreme and Division Queen!


we made it through our very 1st Semi Glitz pageant!....

and to say it was something else....

it was something else!

It was an experience for sure! All of the fake hair, fake tans......kissy faces, dance moves....

OH, I have laughed and laughed!

I am glad that we tried a semi-glitz just to see what it was all about, but I have to say, I dont see them in our future!

I can only imagine actual glitz pageants! WOW! :)

The girls had SO much fun and they did SO awesome so it was all worth it in the end!

This marks Lex's 4th pageant and Lily's 2nd!

Mrs. Bethany {a great friend from Church} did their hair...bright and early yesterday morning! :)
Lily is done and ready! :)
Waiting to get dressed and watching all the fake hair being put on! It was sooo funny watching the girls watch the process. I mean really!.....little 2 year olds in diapers with a head full of fake curls! :)
Sooo beautiful! She was ready to go! She kept being little miss sassy pants and kept saying 'I am not doing 'kissy faces'...I am not waiving! She didnt...she held true to herself...and she won! So proud of her! :)

Loved her curls!
So sweet!
She shined up on stage!
This picture is priceless! Right when she was done.....she headed to Pawpaw for some gum! That girl!
Meg, Mal and LaLa came to watch the girls!
Nan and Pawpaw love this little one!
Daddy's girl!
Me and my little love!
Mal went on stage to help her with her HUGE crown! It is bigger than her head! :)
Division Supreme right here! She also won 'Best Dress' also! She has only been in 2 pageants and won this both times! With both dresses, she has saw it.....not wanted to try on any others and knew which one sh wanted! She has some great taste!!
She was sooooo excited to pick out the ginormous thing at the winners table!
My only shot I got with them both in their dress!
Her turn! She was soooo beautiful!
So grown up!
Family picture!
Mal and LaLa with Lex
Loved her curls too!
She did awesome up there! She was a little nervous but you couldnt tell! :)
She shined bright too!
And meet the new Queen! :)
Division Queen! She also won 'Prettiest Eyes' too! Super proud of her!
One proud Pawpaw!
What do we do to celebrate to beautiful winners!?!?! Eat at MOES!!!! Whhooo hooo! We were all starving! It was the best meal ever! haha! :)