Saturday, December 24, 2016

Christmas Eve morning!

This morning the girls woke up and were SOOO excited that Ella Jingle had our gifts laid out for us!

So, at 6:00am this morning, we were opening gifts from each other!

They just could NOT wait! :)

We enjoyed our gifts and then got cleaned up to meet Nan, Pawpaw and Brandi at Cracker Barrel for breakfast.

We just beat the crowd! By the time we were leaving, the place was packed! It was soooo good too! :)

Of course the girls had to pick Aubie out a Christmas gift! I would say he liked the miniature giraffe alot! :)
Opening gifts! :)
She has had this present under her very own tree in her room for weeks now. Talk about sooooo excited to see what her Sissy picked out for her! :)
Super excited about her gift from her big sister!
Alexis was super excited about her gift from Lily too!
Christmas pjs to wear tonight when Santa comes!! Lily got a matching pair too!
She got some cute dresses!
Lily couldnt wait for Daddy to open his gift from she did it for him! ha!
Then of course...Tickles had to check out her gift!
Then it was BIG gift time!! Alexis was thrilled. Poor Lily....Daddy did a mean trick on her!!
He didnt bring Lily's in and so she just stood there quietly looking at Alexis'. Then Tyler goes....'Lily, do you think you have been good enough for a big gift?' She crossed her arms and looked down and said...'Yes, I have!' :( :(    Then Daddy went out and got hers!......................
She was SO excited that she flew right into it! :) :)
These things are huge and sooo comfy!
Cleaned up and ready to go eat breakfast!!
Now....back home. We have our comfy clothes on and we all curled up and watched A Christmas Story for the 2nd day in a row! I love this picture because it is right during one of most favorite parts in the movie! When he gets his new leg lamp! :)
Up next...........more relaxing with a little bit of laundry thrown in the mix and then time to make cookies for Santa and to get ready for our Christmas Eve service at Church before heading to Gran's for dinner and more present opening before Santa comes tonight! :) :)
Cookie time for Santa! :) They worked hard on them! :)
Working as a team! I love it! :)
Then they begged to do Alexis' gift from Lily. A nail kit. The nail paint part was a bust!........but putting the fake nails on with cute little stickers was a win. OH me is all I can say with them and these nails! They said they are wearing them forever! They both keep going around the house {as I type this} saying how they cant do things anymore. For example, Lily just said that she cant scratch her ear anymore and Alexis said she cant open the door to use the bathroom anymore! I am dying! :)
Lily was the last to get the nails on. Didnt think there would be and since it was Alexis' gift....she went first. Well, Alexis got the normal sized nails.....Lily got the ones that are huge! It looks like Lily has pretty much all the 'thumb' nails on each finger! haha!!
This is Alexis' hands. She chose lady bugs all over her nails. Lily chose swirls and hearts! :)
We shall see how long they keep them actually on!
We are moving on through Christmas Eve and in just a little bit will be getting ready for Christmas Eve Church service and then on to Gran's! :)

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