Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Keeping the tooth fairy in business and Christmas outfits!


when Alexis looses teeth......

she does it ALL at once!

They all just start popping out at the same time!

First it was her bottom front and then top front all at once...

now it is all the side teeth of her front and bottom!

She was SOOOOO excited to tell me ALLLLL about how she was eating an apple at school today and how she felt her tooth almost come out! She said Mrs. Wilson said to run to the bathroom but not to get blood in the sink! {haha!} She said that she pulled it a little bit and it popped right out!

She was SO proud!
Her note and her tooth in a ziplock that her teacher gave her! :)
This is the 2nd tooth in a week! She is racking up with the money! :)
 Her note was super cute! She was soooo excited about it! As soon as Daddy and I walked in the door she was ready to show us! :)
She was SO excited to know that she is catching up with Carli too with having the same amount of teeth lost! :)
 Yesterday marked our week of cute Christmas outfits! I LOVE the week before Halloween and Christmas where the girls wear their cute outfits! Yesterday was 'Christmas green!' :)
Love! :)
Today they wore their shirts that Ella Jingle brought them! Alexis LOVES this shirt because she says it is an emoji! :)
Ready for school! :)

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