Saturday, December 10, 2016

5th annual Dirty.....SANTA!!


This year.....

I would say my annual Dirty Santa party has grown!

I love seeing the new faces each well as the friends and family that have been to them since the beginning! I love how everyone who came holds a special part in my heart and how all of our friendships hold unique and fun meanings! I am truly blessed for sure! SUCH a fun night to kick off Christmas!!

This is by far one of my most favorite nights of the whole year!

There was a ton of food! Mexican chicken dip, chicken salad, Frito pie, bbq winnies, fruit Santas, jalapeno corn dip, caramel apple surprise, pasta salad and more! :) YUM!
The goodness! :)
The drink table.
Allll the desserts! Everyone kept asking me if I made the petit fors...............ummm....I wish! I will cook all day long...but bake..or make cakes, pies, etc..........nope! :)
I had everyone write their Elf name! It was super cute and fun to see everyone's name! Loved this!
31! We had 31 gifts during the Dirty Santa game!  SOOO fun!
Before Dirty Santa..... I had 6 volunteers to play Snowman poop challenge! This was super funny because everyone kept calling out 'rules' and it was hilarious! :)
So fun! Notice........any cheating!?!?!
What was soooo funny was Ashley {pictured above with her cup turned over} claimed that out of the cazillion rules everyone was yelling out....that no one said that you couldnt turn your cup over. Well....I thought I said that....but none the less...she won! Well since she technically 'cheated!!' :) :) Even though she says she didnt....... there was a FACE-OFF between Meg and her {because Meg actually won without cheating!} :)
So FACE-OFF!...Ashley won again! :) She cracked me up because she somehow got all of her marsh mellows stuck to her chop sticks and then just stuck her chop sticks in the cup! SCORE! Poor Meg was still working on her like number 6 {out of 15} marsh mellows to pick up! haha!! :) So fun!
Then....Trivia time! This picture cracks me up because everyone took this sooooo seriously! There was not a word said because everyone was in deep thought! ha! TOOOO funny! It was hilarious to hear everyone's answers to the Christmas Trivia! :)
And....Twinkle McJingles was the Trivia Queen! :)
 Yeah......soooooo some certain co-workers of mine decided to be REALLY funny and print off a TON of these pictures of me and stick them in all of the Dirty Santa gifts! BOY....arent they just SO funny! :) They all like to make fun of me and my hair! This one was hilarious because my sweet friend Yseyelle chose this one and her sweet sweet and beautiful daughter, Bella, found a perfect spot on her tree for this new ornament.............with my picture in it! She sent me a picture of it on the tree and I HOPE that she took my advise and changes out the picture and doesnt keep me in it! :)

Sweet Collins and her Mommy came! She was sooo good the whole time! Wouldnt have even known a baby was there!!
Love this group!
Family picture!
Crazy crew!
Sweet friends!
This was a funny moment! Nannie gave Meg and Mal these singing and swinging Snowmen! TOOO funny! Nannie loves some dancing stuffed things! Luckily she gave me a wooden Santa and Mrs. Claus! I love them! :)
This little sassy pants came up from the basement! Yep....I shipped Daddy, Lex and Lily downstairs during the party! :)
After everyone left....Holly hung around and she ended up pulling out Alexis' tooth! haha! No doubt she had no idea she would be doing that after a party! :)
The tooth fairy had to visit quick since at this point when this picture was was almost 9:45pm! The tooth fairy had to come up with some quick cash! :)

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