Tuesday, December 20, 2016

If you can be anything in the world, be kind!

Today marked my official day off for Christmas break!

Whooo hooo!!

We kicked off this morning with Alexis having sealants done to her molars! She was a trooper! She went back all by herself and said it didnt hurt at all! :)

After the dentist we headed to McDonalds because Alexis said she was dying of thirst which ended up being perfect timing afterwards to head to our Church to deliver Christmas boxes.

Christmas boxes are filled with a TON of food. Everything for a family to have a huge Christmas meal!

After that the girls and I ran some errands, surprised Andrew with lunch before heading home and watching Christmas movies the rest of the afternoon until Daddy got home!

We celebrated Daddy being on break too by heading to Baja for some yummy Mexican!

We came home for yet another family movie night where the girls picked 'Nine Lives' from Redbox for us to watch! :)

We hit the first day with a bang! :) :)

Ella Jingle made Lily Rudolph! She thought it was sooooooo funny! Alexis wondered why Ella Jingle didnt do her?? Well........She doesnt know this.....but Ella Jingle tried...................and BOY BOY BOY was it hard to do!!! It was soooo dark in her room... Ella Jingle tried to use her cell phone to see and she was going for her nose with the marker........when Alexis sneezed. At that point....done!!!......slid out of that room as fast as I {she} could get out of there! :)
She loves Santa! :)
My little cutie pie!
Loved seeing a long car line at Church today of my Church family with a giving and helping heart! The girls and I helped deliver Christmas boxes today to families in need! My prayer for them is that they have a very Merry Christmas and enjoy a huge Christmas meal too.
We were heading on our way with McDonalds in hand to deliver the Christmas boxes!
I hope my girls learn from me to have a giving and helping heart. To put others first and not themselves. By us doing the Christmas boxes today and doing Christmas for a special Angel Tree girl named Olivia as well as helping a little boy from our Church named Jaden, that they see how blessings come from helping and loving others!
If you can be anything in the world, be kind.
We had a great day today and celebrated with oreo pops from Mad Hatter! Nothing better! :)

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