Friday, December 23, 2016

Almost Christmas Eve!

We are finishing our 1st week and gearing up for Christmas Eve tomorrow!!

Whoo hooo!!

We have been laying low....

playing at home, watching movies, putting on 'dance performances', jumping on the new trampoline since the weather has been beautiful and more! Just soaking up our time off and loving it!!

Some people get mad that it is Christmas time and it isnt snowing and negative zero degrees. Me.....on the other hand, LOVE this weather and GLAD that it isnt freezing outside. The girls have soaked up the beautiful days we have had on our break!
Poor Tickles. Tyler said she actually liked it! :) :) Hmmm....I would say...she is just an awesome cat and does whatever! :)
We got cleaned up yesterday after playing outside and saw the new movie out called Sing. It was cute but it wasnt as good as we thought it would be. :( We still had a great family day anyways!
Ready for the movie! :)
I hate all the pictures are blurry! BOO!!............but, love our family day!
And...then this happened today! No words! Alexis and Lily both dressed up and did performances for us while playing Christmas songs! I have some great videos that will be soooo embarrassing come when they are teenagers! :) :)
I have LOVED seeing all of the Christmas cards coming in from friends and family! My favorite thing is to see one in the mail! :)
And then we got cleaned up and headed to Baja to have dinner with Gran, Ben and Andrew before heading to our town Square and caroling! SO fun! :)
It was perfect weather to be out and enjoy singing away! I loved watching Lily's sweet little friend, Jaycee, do her own little dances during each song we sang! :) {She is the little red head with the red shirt on in front!} :)
Jaycee, Lex and Lily singing away!
Sweet Caroline came too! Alexis was SO excited!
Loved doing this and this for sure will be our new tradition to keep going from this year on!
We headed home and all got our pjs on.....some warm apple cider and now watching A Christmas Story! The girls are up past their bedtimes, we have the Christmas lights lit, our favorite blankets around us!........perfection! :)
And...TOMORROW is Christmas Eve! Whooo hooo! MORE Christmas fun coming our way!

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