Thursday, December 15, 2016

Sooo.....on her 7th tooth....


and so it is.....

Alexis no longer believes in the Tooth Fairy...........

Here's the story..........

So, Alexis lost her tooth on Tuesday night.

Her 7th tooth!!!

She was super excited about it...especially the fact that she pulled it by herself and did it at school! Now, remind you, this is coming from a child who cant stand the sight of blood, FREAKS out if she has a cut, this was HUGE that she did it all by herself! :)

So, that night...that one Tuesday night, she was so excited to go to bed because the Tooth Fairy was coming!

Well, I decided to go on to bed about 45 minutes after she was put to bed because I was SO tired and had a headache. Well, Alexis {still to this day} 9 times out of 10 sings herself to sleep so I knew that she may not be fully asleep if I went in there then. So, I told myself that I would wake up at some point in the night and go and do the money and get the tooth.


it was 4:00am!!

I SHOT straight up out of bed and looked at the clock and freaked out because I had not done it yet. I had not done my 'Tooth Fairy' duty yet.

So, I went and got the money and decided to go on into her room and do it. Well........................................................................................................................

I opened her door. Noticed she was still asleep.......

So, I decided to bend down and kind of scoot and crawl over to her pillow. Well, when I did, my dern ole knee popped. {and if anyone who knows me, my left dern knee pops ALL the time and it pops loudly} did.

I saw her turn over.....

Well, she didnt say anything or do anything so I continued to get the tooth out of her tooth box and put the money under her pillow.

Well, when I turned around...........

I noticed I didnt shut the door all the way so the hallway night light was shining brightly and Aubie was sitting there staring at me!!

Luckily he didnt run so I scooped him up and very quietly and quickly closed the door.

So, around 7:00am, Alexis woke ready....came into the kitchen. I said 'Well, how much did the Tooth Fairy' bring'. She goes...'Oh, I didnt even look, let me check' She came back and told me and didnt mention anything else. I thought it was rather strange but I thought that if she really did see me or anything, that she would have said something right then.......

Well, I even came to work and told Tricia and Kristi that I had ruined it....that she knew.... I could just feel it in my bones.

So, I get home yesterday from work................I help her with her homework.... we go eat dinner..... we go to Church....we come home and do baths and bedtime routine.....NOTHING....not a word about seeing me or anything.....

Well, then it came.

We were in her room as she was getting her pjs on....

And she goes 'Mommy, I know the Tooth Fairy is you and not real'

I KNEW it! I knew she saw me.... totally didnt get why she didnt say anything the whole time though!!

So, I go and close the door and make sure Lily cant hear and I asked her...'So, what are you talking about?' 'Why do you think that I am the Tooth Fairy?'

She goes, 'Well Mommy, I heard you come in my room....I heard your knee pop'...then she proceeds to demonstrate how she saw me get the tooth and do the money!!!!

Then she says...'Mommy, I went to school and asked Caroline...and Caroline said that I was wrong and that the Tooth Fairy is real'....'but I saw you and I have thought about it, and she isnt is she? ' 'Tell me the truth.' {Apparently she didnt want to say anything to me until she checked with her friends and thought about it for awhile!} :) :)

And sooooooo

on her 7th tooth!....

I sat her in my lap and explained to her how the Tooth Fairy isnt real. {Insert tears here!!}

I told her that I was telling her this REALLY big 'grown-up' secret that she cant tell anyone. I told her that I felt that she was old enough and ready to know but that she can NOT tell Lily or Caroline or anyone who still believes and that I better not find out that she has. That it is a 'grown-up' secret and she cant tell.

She looked at me with the MOST proud look on her face and says 'I knew it!' 'I knew it!'

haha!!.....I then 'threatened' her and I told her that she still has a lot of teeth in that mouth that she needs to loose and if she tells anyone, then I {or her Daddy}, wont give her any money for the other teeth she looses! :)

Then she said the sweetest thing....

She goes 'Thank you Mommy for doing that for me. Thank you for telling me and thank you for giving me money and being the Tooth Fairy for me!'

Talk about MELTED my heart!


soooo....on her 7th tooth.....

no more Tooth Fairy....................................................................................................

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