Thursday, December 15, 2016

Christmas partying all week long!

We have been having Christmas parties galore this week!

I had my office party...Tyler had his and today both girls had theirs!

Tyler and I also had the whole JSU Christmas party too this week where Beehler announced that he is giving us two additional days off next week! Score! :)

Both girls are super excited that their last day of school is tomorrow and then its Christmas break! Whoo hooo.....for them! :)

Tuesday was this! There is one thing that my co-workers and I know about to throw a luncheon with FOOD! :) It was a fun Christmas lunch with my work family!
We had a TON of food!
Wednesday was the JSU Christmas brunch for all Staff at JSU. There was a photo booth. I will let the picture speak for itself! :)
The girls looked soooo cute in their new Christmas shirts! Ready for school on this morning!
Such a cutie!
And this one too!
Sweet sisters!................. sometimes! :)
And today was party time for both of them! Lily was SUPER excited to wear her new Dory pjs! Her sweet little class had a pajama party and watched the Polar Express! Alexis and her class had a fun Christmas party too!

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