Thursday, December 1, 2016

Oh what fun!...

Oh what fun it was to ride....

on the back of a trailer!......

The girls had a blast tonight at the Jacksonville Christmas parade.

The weather actually felt like December.....and like a Christmas parade.

It wasnt too bad though so we had a great and fun night!

There was a HUGE crowd this year!

This year was the biggest crowd that I have seen.

Everyone seemed to be in the Christmas spirit and were really enjoying the parade!

The girls sang Christmas songs, did chants, waived at people they knew and threw candy galore!

Lily sat and watched with Daddy, Nan and Pawpaw.

You talk about loading UP on candy!

OH my GOODNESS!!!.............her bucket was over flowing when we got home!

Lily was ready for the parade!
Waiting on it to start....and eating all the candy while they waited! :)
Cocky came to say hello!!!
 Love these girls!
 This crew had so much fun!
 We hauled it behind the trailer! Whew!!!.....  :)
Santa! This is my favorite picture because they were all in it with him! :)
Saw these people along the way!
Then the girls started throwing candy at them! I had to remind the girls to throw the candy on the ground.....and not at people's faces!!!
They all had a blast! The big crowd had fun catching all of their candy they threw!

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