Monday, December 26, 2016

Saaaanta came and Christmas day~Part 1 of 3!

Santa came!

Whooo hooo!!

It was touch and go for the girls! They were really wondering if he was going to get to their house! :)

Lily made the comment {on Christmas Eve} that she had been soooooo good that day!

I guess she thought she needed to make up for other days and specifically point out that the day before the big guy came.........that she was really good! :)

LaLa asked Lily what all Santa brought her when we were over at Nannies' later this day...and Lily says 'He brought me everything I wanted!' :) Well alright then! I would say Santa did good! :)
Lily was up early {of course} and Tyler was already up too {of course} so Tyler said that Lily was SO excited when she came in the livingroom and said 'OHHH!!...I have to go wake Sissy up!' :)
Checking out the stocking! I always loved checking out what surprises came in my stocking! That was my favorite! :)
She asked Santa for a new pink bow............... because she said Alexis broke her old pink bow! Santa brought the perfect one! :)
Alexis is ALLLL about journals and notepads, etc so she was super pumped with this surprise with an 'A' on it ..............and that it lit up too!
Both girls got roller skates! Lily was confused thinking we were all going ice skating with them on! ha! I still dont think she fully understands! :)
This to me is soooo precious! Look at those little legs by Daddy's! :)
Testing them out! We actually went today to the skating rink in Oxford to really try them out! Both girls skated around on the carpet the entire time! They both were too scared to actually skate on the skating floor! :)
Lily wanted 'real make-up!' She was THRILLED!
Sooo...of course...she had to go ahead and put some on! OH ME....before Church both girls had it all over them! WOW is all I can say! :)
She loved her 'big girl' 'high heeled' boots! :)
Alexis had to wear her new boots {pictured above} and Lily HAD to wear her new pink their outfits of choice for Christmas day was based on their accessories! :)
The children go to go up and help Dr. Derek with his message on Christmas morning! It was so sweet to see them all up there and helping and giving their input!
Then it was time to sing! girls have blown the song they sang out of the water every.single.time. they have sang it in my car and while they have practiced at Church...............but on stage............. eeeeehhhhh, hhmmm.......they were all like deer in headlights! hahaha! :)

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