Wednesday, January 31, 2018

All decked out!

Lily had her 100th day of school yesterday...meaning she is 100 days the wiser! :) :)

She came home and talked and talked and talked about all the fun activities that she did...the fun shirt she painted and the fun party she had where she ate all kinds of fun foods and how she had 100 pieces of it all too! :) :)

A sweet parent that was able to help sent me this picture of Lily in action at school! They had a FULL day of fun with all the things related to 100!
100 days smarter! She couldnt wait to take it all out of her book bag and show me everything she had! She even had a necklace too...that she forgot about in her book bag and showed me after I had already put the camera up! ha! I love that she is loving Kindergarten and learning so much!

Monday, January 29, 2018

Emoji tulips!

We conquered Monday!

Whoo hoo!!

It was a rainy and dreary weekend, the whole weekend, so we did a lot of cozy naps and movie watching while the venturing out was rare so today, even though it was a Monday, was a beautiful and sunny day!

These two were 'twinkies' today for school! :) :)
OH how I love tulips and I have SO enjoyed them since I got them over the weekend! me...this picture is perfection! Beautiful tulips....OH how I adore my Valentine decor...and home for lunch on a beautiful day!
To cap off this day, Daddy and Lex made jalapeno cornbread as I made hamburger steak, roasted squash and onions and macaroni and cheese {per Lily's request}  for dinner! AND...The Bachelor is on too! Whoo hoo!...cant get any better! :) Blessed!

Friday, January 26, 2018

We made it!


this is the first full week back at work and BOY, we are all tired!

Im am SO thankful today is Friday! It is supposed to be warmer weather this weekend but chances of rain the whole time. Hopefully the rain will go away and it will be just as beautiful as last Sunday and we can enjoy our weekend!

We shall see!

With it being a full working/school week for us {I know, I got lazy with our 'winter break' that we didnt expect to have!} everything else started back too! Still Church Wednesdays....and dance Thursdays! :) :) We are tired today for sure! I do have to say, though, we had a great week back! All 'smiley' faces for Lily........and all homework catch up for Lex! :)

Tuesday night Tyler and I had the Leadership Appreciation dinner at our Church. It was so nice and great food and we enjoyed a semi 'date night' with our Church family! The girls enjoyed pizza and a Church Church while we had our nice dinner! :) They loved it so it was a win-win! :)
And this is Lily's 'YAYYY!!!....TODAY is FRIDAY!' excitement!..........and 7:00am in the morning...when she was still half asleep and tired from a full week! ha! {Her 'hooray' was lacking a little but she really was pumped at it being Friday!} :) :) :)

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Wordless Wednesday!

{Feeding her baby....that has her awesome bike helmet Burger King this past Sunday!} haha!! :)

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Thank you Lord!...

for this gorgeous day!

OH how we needed this day to unthaw!!

It blows my mind that we can go from 13 degrees at the beginning of the week to the end at 72 degrees!!


We soaked up today like it was our last day! We made it worth it for sure!

It was so beautiful today...that my girls had on shorts!..........

and Lily asked 'When can we go to the pool!?'

Daddy had to inform her...that we are still in the middle of winter...and that the pool has ice cycles in it! ha! :) :)

After Church...we headed to the the Ladiga Trail for Lily to ride without training wheels for the 1st time! She was a little nervous to do it...but once she took off, she got more comfortable and realized that she could actually ride without them!! I am SO proud of her and how she rode today!

This chick stole my shoes this morning before Church! :) She thinks she is SO grown! :)
When you are worried about your baby's safety but want her to ride in your basket on your bicycle...your Daddy makes her a helmet...and all is well!
On the way home...Lily said...'Daddy, Im glad you made her a helmet because it saved her 8 times!' bahaha! It did save her twice when she was thrown out of the basket for sure! :)
Ready to GO! was a gorgeous day...and we stayed outside until we just couldnt anymore!
Daddy and his little girl!
She did SO good riding!
Love this picture of them two!!
Alexis is a pro!
She had to wait on us some so Lily could catch up! Lily's little legs went as fast as they could and for it to be her first time without training wheels she did awesome!!
She did SOOO good riding for the first time on the trail! Her doll in the basket with her helmet CRACKS me up! :)
Alexis wanted to take a 'selfie' on top of the train tracks! :)
And...of course...we had to play on the playground for a little bit before heading home and jumping on the trampoline and more on the beautiful day! Thank you Lord for the beautiful day!
Cant believe it was shorts weather! These two took their shirts off and covered their eyes and was chasing each other around trying to find each other since they couldnt see! I would say today was a GREAT day.....and a great little day for our family of four!

Friday, January 19, 2018

3 Things!

I havent done a '3 things' post lately so thought I would catch up on the life of Alexis and Lily!


1. She has become SO obsessed with sushi! YES, she loves it and every time we let her choose where to eat..........she begs to go somewhere with sushi! This girl of mine has a palate of a 30 year old! :)

2. Braces. She is SOOOO excited of the possibility of her getting braces in a couple of months. NOW...hold everyone's horses.... she is not getting braces in a couple of months. Let me explain. Our dentist and I spoke about her teeth the last time we had our regular cleaning. Well, from that conversation she has it in her head that she is getting braces this summer! Yes, she needs braces...when that will be, though, is undetermined. If you ask her...she will tell you, this summer. She keeps changing her mind, daily, as to what color rubber bands she is going to have. She cracks me up with all of this! Now....when the day comes that she actually does get braces....lets see how long it lasts that she is still excited to have them! :) :)

3. Dolls. OH my...she is almost 10 years old and LOVES playing with her dolls more than she did when she was 5! She constantly changes their clothes, feeds them, brushes their hair, takes them to places with us when we go out too! She came to me the other day to show me how she had braided one of her dolls hair. She was SO excited that she had done it! So much so that she told me that one day she is going to open her own 'beauty shop' and do hair and make-up! :)

1.  Reading. She is getting better and better with her reading skills. She kills me how she will think she knows what the next word is {when reading a sentence} just so she can say she read a sentence. Let me explain. For example, the sentence will be 'The dog is going to the mall.' Well, if she doesnt know the word, she will just make up something so her sentence will be 'The dog is for to the mall.' It makes NO sense...but she is excited that she read a full sentence. So, I have to make her start over and sound out the word that she doesnt know right off! Anyways....she is getting there! :)

2. Riding her bike! She is getting better with riding her bike too! Now....she still has a ways to go with being a pro at this. In fact, she makes me nervous while watching her because she doesnt put her feet down fast enough so therefore she has had some crashes. BUT.......she thinks she is a pro...and can ride and ride and wants to take off and ride all around our neighborhood!

3. A stinker! She is a stinker! 100% stinker! She knows how and when to turn the charm on. She knows how to be silly and divert a situation, and she is good at being a stinker too! She is so darn funny and just is her own little self. There is only one Lily Grace Law in this world...and there is NO room for another one!

As for Daddy and I. Well, Daddy is happy to have the Treehouse completed. He is not liking the winter days with having to be outside as his job but can come home and get comfy and binge watch Vikings, the History channel or MythBusters like no other! :) As for me, I am dying for it to be Summer weather and loving the fact that Scandal and How To Get Away With Murder...and The Bachelor are all back in action! :) :)

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Painting loves!

We ended our last day....of our 'Winter break' with a bang today!

We loaded up and had a fun girl's lunch...hit Wal-Mart for the fun supplies...and spent the rest of the afternoon at home...

painting Valentine canvases and our fingers and toes! :) :)

The girls LOVE to paint....and what better thing to paint than LOVE?!?!

We cranked up the music and danced and sang as we painted...and while we let the canvases dry, we painted our fingers and toes!

We had a great afternoon....

and now.... work will be back in! have a weekend again! top it off...the weekend is supposed to be in the 60's! We go from 13 degrees at the beginning of the 60 degrees at the end! ONLY Alabama weather!

Getting their ideas....and starting the fun!
They were SO into it!
I have LOST my mind giving her glitter! LOST it! Glitter EVERYWHERE!! I got it up....mostly...we just keep finding a little piece of pink glitter here and there every once and a while now.... :)
Alexis worked soooo hard to do her cursive writing. She loves to write in cursive and so proud of herself that she taught herself how to do it too!
The final product!!
Alexis' final product!
The perfect spot for Lily's!
And...the perfect place for Alexis'! :) LOVE!

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Wordless Wednesday!

I havent done an actual 'Wordless Wednesday' post in awhile for some reason. I guess because we have had something going on, on Wednesdays...or I have been playing 'catch up!'

So...Wordless Wednesday!

So...a 'little of this...and a little of that' since we have been out...that is just 'wordless' to me! ha!
It was snowing in our house...and they turned into deer! WHAT?!?! Wordless! :)
Then...she came in looking like this and asking me if she looked like a doll? Then...I took a picture of her...and she grabbed my phone and typed this!........#issheadoll? OH ME! ha! For one...she doesnt even really know what a hashtag is! ha! Wordless! :)
Then...5 minutes later...she comes running BACK to me....saying is she really a doll now...because she forgot to hold her 'dog!' OH me again!,  this time I asked her what 'hashtag' she wanted me to use?!...and she said 'Mommy, put #orissheadollnow? ...........Wordless! :) :)
{And FYI, those are fake glasses! I have NO idea why it is SO fun and cool to have 'glasses!?!' I distinctly remember NOT thinking it was fun or cool to have glasses when I was around her age and having to actually wear them! And...I bet that if she actually had to really wear them...she would not think it was fun or cool too!} OH me...Wordless again! :) :) :)
And.....then Daddy and Lex decided to do some baking! Right up Alexis' alley! She LOVES cooking....and I think she likes baking more! They made pumpkin bread! Wordless! :) :)

Feel the love!

So, since we are cooped up in the house because of the snow and ice!.............

we had a full house cleaning....and decorating day today!

Nothing I love more than some fun decorations for whatever holiday is approaching! Now...I dont go 'all out' for most I do for Halloween and Christmas but I love hearts and 'love' so I do a little for Valentine's day! :) :)

Be my Valentine!
Ice-cycles and hearts! :)
A little heart here....
and a little heart there! :)
The girls have been great helpers..helping Daddy and I clean and me decorate! OH, I love hearts...almost as much as pumpkins....and Christmas trees! :) :)

Stir snow!

Have you ever heard of stir snow?

Stir snow is when you start going stir crazy because the snow has you stuck in the house for too long! :) :)

Even Aubie has been put in time-out because he wont leave Tickles alone and let her have some peace. I keep saying....'Give him one good swipe with those claws of yours...and he will leave you alone!' just too nice and wont swipe him one good time. He will do some of the funniest things....

he will walk up...and then around her a couple of times...and then act like he is walking away...and then turn around and hit her with his paw! she is walking, he will run up behind her and try to act like he is going to do hit her with his paw...and then run off! Crazy cat. I think Tickles knows he is a crazy cat and that is why she just looks at him and ignores him! She will hiss at him ever so often if he is really pushing her buttons! ha! So, as I type this, he is in time-out in the girl's bathroom for a little bit to allow Tickles a chance to not have to hid from him and can venture out in the house! It as the funniest thing this morning. She was meowing by the door wanting out. So Lily lets her out as she is wanting me to go outside with her too to check out the snow. Well, Tickles was not expecting the snow so as soon as she ran out, she immediately stops..sniffs up to the snow....and then literally sits there for about 5 minutes. I could almost see her brain as she was contemplating making a run out in it...or succeeding to the fact that she was going to have to go back in and be cooped up with that crazy other cat! After the 5 minutes, she was sitting back by the door with a defeated look on her face as I opened the door and let her back in! :)

There wasnt a lot of snow....but more ice, so we have yet another day out tomorrow due to it still being a 'state of emergency.' The girls are SO pumped that there is yet another day out of school...but Tyler and I are going stir crazy to get back to our routine! ha! The roads have opened back up so we are going to venture out here in a little bit and break free from the house to have an early dinner out before it gets dark and everything freezes back up!

The girls havent been that bad as we have been cooped up in the house. They have had NO interest in going out in the snow! The cold and snow...just isnt their thing! I have to admit! I am OVER the cold and snow also! Bring ON warm weather!! There has only been a couple of blow ups between the girls...Alexis has been the only one in time-out during I would say, it has been fine...despite the fact that they have been 'starving' every 10 minutes!!....only to request things like gummies....bubblegum....snack cakes to help with their hunger! OH me! :)

Lily wanted to walk out and check out the snow. That was playing in it...or anything. She was ready to come in 3 minutes after walking out! :)
Before she came in...she wanted to 'touch' the snow! ha!
So pretty even if we didnt get a lot!
Side view!
Front yard! The driveway didnt look as icy as the road!
The road really looked iced over!
Snow on our house!
Yeah...the snowmen on our front porch need to go! I think they are bringing all of this cold! ha!
These two actually said to take their picture! ha! Yes...they are watching tv on Alexis' bed with no sheets or comforter. It was 'washing' day! ha!
Alexis wanted me to take a picture of her dolls and how hard she said she worked changing their clothes and fixing their hair!

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

When they see...

When they see...

....that school is cancelled another day.....they scream from happiness!! Alexis throws her Social Studies vocabulary on the table and declares she is done studying since her test is yet again delayed!...

.....that I am coming with the camera because they are playing so well together....Alexis runs and hides from me!....

.....that it is FINALLY snowing.....they run outside and then run right back in to avoid me taking more pictures and because it is 'toooooo cold' outside!...., we have been hunkered down and have been just staying in our pjs..........and enjoying being at home! We did venture out for lunch today and the girls requested that we go in our pjs. So we did! We just went though the drive-thru......and the lady complimented  me on how cute my pjs were! ha! The girls thought it was hilarious! Luckily...I had my sunglasses on and I didnt know my identity, hopefully, was hidden! :) :)

I love when I go in to check on them...and they are not fighting...and actually playing with no IPAD.....just them...and conversations..and imaginations...and fun sister bonding! :)
As I was taking the picture above of Lily.......Alexis dives over her bed and lands in the floor like this to avoid me taking a picture of her................ SO....I took one anyways because she thought I wouldnt! ha!!
Then...she lets me take one! :) Lily is doing some kind of weird and silly pose! ha!
Then....they are SO excited that it is snowing! Lily has changed this match her she requests I take a picture of her matching her 'American Girl, Bitty baby' and to show it snowing also. You cant really see the snow though!
This is all that seemed to be for the girls. They went back in and played...and now we have gotten some snow on the ground but not as much as they had predicted. I do know that it is super cold outside, though....and we have another day, we are officially going to be classified as 'lazy bums' before this is all over! ha! {Im actually fine with that!} :) :)